IVD Camp 2022: Instill Superior Character in Every Volunteer’s Spirit

LAMPUNG — One of the things different at the International Volunteer Day (IVD) Camp 2022 from previous years is raising inclusive diversity issues. Carrying the theme “Inclusive Volunteer in Action”, this meeting of volunteers (relawan) throughout Indonesia in Lampung invited Dompet Dhuafa’s Super Volunteer, Erie Sudewo, to deliver the material “Spirit of Volunteer: Superior Character of Volunteers” on Saturday (12/17/2022).

In his book, “Character Building: Menuju Indonesia Lebih Baik”, there are 3 (three) main characters, namely basic characters, superior characters, and leader characters.

Basic character is at the core because this character contains basic human traits, including being unselfish, honest, and disciplined.

Meanwhile, superior character contains good qualities that must be continuously honed to become everyday behaviours and habits. When the basic character is embedded, the superior character will easily form. Superior character is formed by 7 (seven) good qualities, namely sincerity, patience, gratitude, responsibility, sacrifice, self-improvement, and earnestness.

Furthermore, the third one, the leader’s character is formed by being trained and educated to become a daily character. The success of forming this character cannot be separated from the previous two characters.

“The three basic characteristics of a human being are not to be selfish, honest, and disciplined,” said Erie.

Erie Sudewo delivered the material “Spirit of Volunteer: Karakter Unggul Relawan” at IVD Camp Saturday (12/17/2022) in Lampung.  


One of the participants asked the speaker a question.


Everyone can become a leader, both on the smallest and large scales. A good leader is formed from the following 9 (nine) values: fair, wise, wise, polite, tawadhu, simple, visionary, solutive, communicative and inspirational.

The first value is the most important, which is fairness. According to Erie, justice only exists if a person has a foundation of truth and honesty.

“Honestly, smartness number two,” he said.

At IVD Camp 2022, DDV invites volunteers to act inclusively.


One of the participants asked the speaker a question.

This is because honesty cannot be learned, but it must be familiarized. Meanwhile, knowledge can be learned in a few months or a short period.

Emphatically, Erie also conveyed that good people are not because of a cool education but because they are contextually born and cared for by a good family and environment.

“Good people in Indonesia are not because of the cool aspect of education. But because it is contextual, it is born and cared for by a good family and environment,” he said.

Also Read: Gelar IVD Camp 2022, DDV Ajak Para Relawan Beraksi secara Inklusif

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To be a leader, you don’t need to know everything. The leader needs to know and understand where the goal is going. Because if you know and can do all the things and the leader does everything, it’s troublesome and makes him unable to focus on where the real goal is. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)