Joining Creative Content Writing Training, THK QC Team Ready to Spread Interesting Messages

Pelatihan Menulis untuk Tim QC Program THK

JAKARTA — In order to welcome the Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Dompet Dhuafa 1445 H Program, the Dompet Dhuafa Creative Content Team held a training entitled “Creative Writing and Video Story”. The training, which took place on Friday (17/5/2024), was attended by Dompet Dhuafa employees from across divisions who will be involved in Quality Control and Monitoring Evaluation in the THK Program series.

Located at the Philanthropy Building, the training consisted of three sessions, namely Basic Feature Writing by Kompas Daily Journalist, Denty Piawai Nastitie; Dompet Dhuafa Journalists, Andhika Satria Prabowo and Riza Muthohar; and Dompet Dhuafa Videographers, Ayu Nadia Chaerani and Aryo Prasojo.

Dompet Dhuafa’s journalist, Andhika Satria Prabowo explained the material of Journalistic Photography at Philantrophy Building, South Jakarta on Friday (5/17/2024).
Kompas Daily Journalist Denty Piawai Nastitie presented the feature writing material. Afterwards, she invited the participants to come up with ideas for writing features.

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Andhika explained that this training aims to share knowledge in covering THK 1445 H. So that the QC and Monev Team can radiate a strong message about sharing and the positive impact of qurbani to the wider community.

“Stories about people are always interesting, but the journey and perspective of each of us must be different. Now all of us, especially Dompet Dhuafa employees, have the same opportunity to carry out our humanitarian duties and have our own stories from the realities we find. So this is an encouragement for us to write stories from our work journey and share them in the medium of photo and video stories. This training in writing features and video stories can help explore ideas and compile stories about the situation of Dompet Dhuafa’s qurbani animal farms as well as the unique stories of qurbani beneficiaries in remote areas,” said Andhika.

Dompet Dhuafa journalist Riza Muthohar gave examples of feature writing and humanistic photography on Friday (5/17/2024).
Dompet Dhuafa’s Videographer, Ayu Nadia Chaerani explained the Video Story material as a medium to broadcast humanitarian messages to the public.
Dompet Dhuafa Videographer, Aryo Prasojo explained the Video Story material. Starting from production techniques to various editing software.

Denty also appreciated the training. According to her, the ability to write features can foster creativity for teams who go to remote areas. In addition, it can also make it easier for readers to feel present in every THK journey of the QC and Monev Team.

“I am very happy to be present in the middle of this training. Today’s session will be very useful for friends who are used to traveling, especially to remote areas of Indonesia. Apart from being a memory in itself, this (writing features) can make readers come along with your journey,” said the author of Hari-Hari di Bloomsburry and Pelangi di Timur Tengah.

Question and answer session and discussion at the Creative Writing and Video Story Training at Philanthropy Building, South Jakarta. Participants were enthusiastic in asking questions to the speakers.
Question and answer session and discussion at the Creative Writing and Video Story Training at Philanthropy Building, South Jakarta. Participants were enthusiastic in asking questions to the speakers.
Participants enthusiastically took notes on the material provided by the speaker on Friday (17/5/2024).

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Dompet Dhuafa’s Marketing Content Division Manager, Dedi Fadlil, said that this training is an effort to maintain the mandate of the qurbani. The vast reach of Dompet Dhuafa’s qurbani areas in all corners of the archipelago requires the Content Creative Team to work effectively. With the THK QC Team deployed to the field, ensuring the qualifications of these sacrificial animals must also be conveyed to the public. How do we maintain the quality assurance and quality of sacrificial animals and no less important the region and potential beneficiaries.

“Hopefully, the documentation of field conditions from the QC Team is a form of extension of this cross-division. Ensuring the qualifications of these qurbani animals must also be conveyed to the public, especially with interesting stories. We will try to make various efforts so that more mandates can be maximally absorbed,” he concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Hany Fatihah Ahmad
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna