JAKARTA – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in a country’s economic growth are considered very important. This also becomes the concern of Kampus Bisnis Umar Usman to continue to contribute by mentoring business actors in Indonesia through its programs.
On Friday (19/05/2023), Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM (KemenKop UKM) initiated the Kick Off of the 2023 Independent Micro Assistance Program by collaborating with Kampus Bisnis Umar Usman Dompet Dhuafa in order to produce innovative, creative and upscale business actors, which is located in the Auditorium Room, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Jakarta.
“We initiate an independent micro mentoring program, this is a program to increase the capability of micro businesses sustainably, to productive human resources, so that micro actors can upgrade and rely on the wider ecosystem, so that micro business programs are not just training, so after training we assist them so that they can become successful entrepreneurs and this assistance is carried out within 6 months in collaboration with Kampus Bisnis Umar Usman,” said Yulius, Deputy for Micro Enterprises of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in his speech.
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Meanwhile, Teten Masduki as Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs revealed the collaboration with Kampus Bisnis Umar Usman Incubator as one of the strategies to encourage MSMEs that can increase the scale of economy, to create an evolution of MSMEs in preparing themselves to become a developed country.
“MSMEs that have the potential to be developed, which have superior products, good innovation and business models. In terms of financing, now there are many funds from the government, MSMEs that have been included in this supply chain have KUR Cluster, therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is determined to create assistance for micro business actors which is not only limited to training, but also must be followed by a pentahelix collaboration pattern in micro business assistance that is sustainable, promote, protect and advance,” said Teten.
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector still becomes a sector that contributes significantly to gross domestic product (GDP). In an effort to improve entrepreneurship is not easy and it is very difficult to run it alone, Kampus Bisnis Umar initiated the Business Incubation Program.
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Umar Usman Business Incubator is committed to initiating and monitoring this Pentahelix collaboration process and opening collaboration opportunities with various parties to take advantage of existing opportunities and potentials for entrepreneurs to grow and for Indonesia.
“To synergize together, collaborate to organize this program, the important thing in creating this program is mentoring, it is not enough for us to just train them, in this Independent Micro program, we hope that there will be an intense mentoring, so that they will be able to upgrade, we hope that the micro ones will become small and we hope they will become big,” said Asep Hendriana, Chairman of Yayasan Pendidikan Umar Usman.
In line with the Government’s Priority Program through the Ministry of Cooperatives and National SMEs, where the Business Incubation program becomes one of the programs that will help increase the ratio of entrepreneurship in Indonesia. Currently, the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia is still relatively low at 3.74 percent where the entrepreneurship ratio is still low compared to neighboring countries such as Vietnam 5 percent, Malaysia 4 percent and Singapore 9 percent.
On this occasion, the event was continued with the symbolization of the Kick Off of the Independent Micro Program by pressing the button on the screen done by Yulius as Deputy for Micro Enterprises of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs together with Asep Hendirian as Chairman of the Education Board of Umar Usman, witnessed directly by Teten Masduki as Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia. This mentoring program is carried out for 6 months and targets 300 MSMEs.
“This program is Independent Micro assistance, so the participants who will enter this program are not just random, so that the test for the development of the Independent micro program is assistance, so how in this Independent Micro program they scale up their business so that they can upgrade, their production capacity, their innovation, including how we will aggregate them to the industry to make them bigger,” concluded Asep. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)