There are so many fasting services that we don’t know more deeply than Ramadan Fasting. Kifarat fasting is a type of fasting that aims to cover up the sins committed by a person. Let’s Look at the Explanation of Kifarat fasting
Kifarat fasting is one of the mandatory fasting types in Islam. However, the purpose of kifarat fasting is indeed slightly different than Ramadan fasting. According to the book of Al-Fiqhul Islami wa Adillatuhu of Wahbah Az-Zuhaili, kifarat fasting aims to cover, replace, pay or repair. In other words, kifarat fasting is a type of fasting that aims to cover up the sins committed by a person. So that, the sin no longer affects the individual’s life in the world or in the hereafter. Kifarat fasting must be carried out if the husband and wife commit acts violating Islamic law’s provisions. What are the causes that make this kifarat fasting necessary?
Causes of Kifarat Fasting
By doing kifarat fasting, it is hoped that this sin committed will be forgiven by Allah Almighty and will not burden the scales of donor charity in the hereafter. What are some of the causes of a person having kifarat fasting?
Kifarat fasting must be done if the husband has marital relationship during the day during the month of Ramadan
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are indeed instructed to restrain lust from sunrise to sunset. Not only appetite and drinking, married couples are also asked to restrain their passions until the maghrib azan berkumDonaturng. However, this can be a trial that is difficult to contain by couples who have just married. Jima’ incidents or marital relationships during the day are often inevitable. For couples who have marital relations during the day, they are required to do kifarat fasting for 2 consecutive months.
Fasting must be done if the husband cannot fulfill the vows
Nazar is arguably a promise that donors make to Allah Almighty to realize wishes. Once the vow is said, the Donor must pay off the promise when the prayer is answered. However, there are times when situations & conditions that still do not allow to make vows. For donors who have already made a vow but cannot fulfill it, they must do a kifarat fasting for 3 days.
Killing Accidentally
Killing is one of the great sins and is hated by Allah Almighty. However, there are times when a person or an animal is killed accidentally. For example, Donor was driving and accidentally ran over a cat until the cat died. Or, Donors were involved in an accident that resulted in death. Although it was an act of involuntary manslaughter, Islamic religious law still applies. If the donor accidentally kills, it is mandatory to kifarat fasting for 2 consecutive months.
Fasting must be done when the husband equates the wife with his mother (Zihar)
In Islam, the husband is forbidden to equate the wife with the husband’s mother in any form. If this is done, then it will be a great sin for the husband. For the sin to be forgiven and no longer burden the husband’s life in the future, the husband is obliged to kifarat fasting for 2 consecutive days.
Shaving Hair When Ikhram
While doing ikhram, a Muslim is forbidden to shave his head. If he does this, he must pay for it through kifarat fasting. This kifarat fasting is done by fasting for 3 consecutive days.
Thus a brief review of the causes of a person having to do kifarat fasting. The above review makes it increasingly clear that the husband must do kifarat fasting if the husband performs certain actions. In addition to kifarat fasting, Donors can wash away sins big and small by giving alms. With the Online Alms (Sedekah) service from Dompet Dhuafa, donors make it easier to distribute alms to people in need from anywhere and anytime.