Kurbanaval Goes to Hypermart: Bringing Qurbani Meat Closer and Overcoming the Deficit in Remote Areas

Kurbanaval Goes to Hypermart

JAKARTA — To welcome Eid al-Adha 1445 AH, Dompet Dhuafa held an event called “Kurbanaval Goes to Hypermart: Bringing Qurbani Closer” at Primo Hypermart Cilandak Town Square (Citos), South Jakarta. The event was opened with a lively marawis performance. Also present were various stakeholders from various fields that support the sustainability of Dompet Dhuafa’s Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) 2024 on Saturday (5/18/2024).

Dompet Dhuafa introduced the THK 1445 H Program as an act of kindness by spreading sacrificial meat to remote areas to the visitors who attended. In the distribution of qurbani beneficiaries, Etika Setiawanti as Secretary of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation (YDDR) said that every year in the implementation of THK, it carries the slogan 3 Pasti.

“Every year, we guarantee 3 Definites in THK. Namely, it must be male, which means ensuring that the sacrificial animals are male. This is related to the sustainability of the animals themselves, so that they are not slaughtered while breastfeeding. Then, it must have passed Quality Control, meaning that it has gone through a health check process and is in accordance with Sharia law. Finally, it must be distributed to remote areas, as a form of Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to pay more attention to the Disadvantaged, Frontier, Outermost (3T) areas that rarely consume sacrificial meat, “explained Etika that afternoon.

Read also: Qurbani via Dompet Dhuafa to Empower Local Farmers

The event was opened with a lively marawis performance at Primo Hypermart Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta.
Dompet Dhuafa’s THK 2024 program was officially launched on Saturday (18/5/2024) at Primo Hypermart Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta.

This year’s THK Chair, Bobby P. Manullang, said that the THK Program has been running during April-May 2024 and is entering the Quality Control stage. For 30 years, this program has been a solution to the deficit of animal protein in 3T areas spread across 29 provinces in Indonesia. Not only distributing qurbani, Bobby continued, this program also empowers local farmers involved in the distribution.

“Our data shows that the majority of remote areas with 3T criteria are still deficient in animal protein. THK is the solution to that problem. Now the THK ecosystem is getting wider. It can bring many stakeholders closer, from qurbani performers, breeders, to beneficiaries,” said Bobby.

Read also: Story of Qurbani in Halmahera: Grandma Sehe Eats Only Rice and Water

Etika Setiawanti as the Secretary of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation (YDDR) opened the event by delivering her speech on Saturday (5/18/2024).
Caesario Parlindungan as Store Operation Director of Hypermart delivered a speech in “Kurbanaval Goes to Hypermart: Bringing Qurbani Closer” at Primo Hypermart Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta.

In line with Bobby, Yusuf Wibisono from the Institute for Demographic and Poverty Studies (IDEAS), also stated that the concentration of qurbani animals is still centered in big cities. According to his latest research, DKI Jakarta alone experienced a surplus of up to 7500 tons of qurbani meat. Meanwhile, remote parts of Java, such as Pandeglang, Serang, Boyolali, Sragen, Ngawi, and many more experienced a deficit of around 1000 tons of qurbani meat.

“Of course, the THK Program like this, which initially entered religious institutions, will then shift to social institutions. This philanthropic organization takes action on the basis of humanity, not groups or other things. Especially in some of its deployments, Dompet Dhuafa also targets remote areas where the majority of residents are non-Muslims, “Yusuf explained.

Talk show session “Kurbanaval Goes to Hypermart: Kurban Mendekatkan” at Primo Hypermart Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta on Saturday (5/18/2024).
From left: Yusuf Wibisono from the Institute for Demographic and Poverty Studies (IDEAS) and Bobby P. Manullang, Chairman of THK 2024, discussing the qurbani meat deficit in remote areas of Indonesia.

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On the same occasion, Elsya as a Dompet Dhuafa Super Volunteer, also shared her experience when delivering qurbani meat to North Luwu, South Sulawesi with the Dompet Dhuafa Team. At that time, the Masamba flood hit North Luwu. Elsya witnessed how enthusiastically the locals welcomed the qurbani meat.

“Left and right of the landslide, it was really an extraordinary experience. I witnessed how the locals saw goats and cows as treasures. If in the city, most of them use the qurbani meat to be slaughtered, but there (North Luwu), they work together from the slaughtering process to the distribution. It was really touching for me,” said Elsya.

Influencer and Super Volunteer Dompet Dhuafa shared his experience delivering qurbani meat to remote areas last year with the Dompet Dhuafa team.
The handover symbolizes Dompet Dhuafa’s collaboration with Hypermart in the Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) 2024 action.

Sacrifice through Dompet Dhuafa can be done through several partners, one of which is Hypermart. Caesario Parlindungan as Store Operation Director of Hypermart said that his party opened a channel for purchasing sacrificial animals.

“To support the humanitarian action of THK Dompet Dhuafa, we contribute to opening channels for offline animal purchase transactions through our cashiers, which can be done at 134 Hypermart throughout Indonesia. We also open (payment) through our online shopping application,” Caesario concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and Photo: Hany Fatihah Ahmad
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna