Lampung GENZI Post Able to Alleviate Malnutrition of Metro Children

Pos GENZI Lampung entaskan gizi buruk

LAMPUNG — According to the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) report by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the prevalence rate of wasting or malnutrition in Indonesia in 2022 is 21.6 percent. For this reason, various efforts continue to be made by the government, the private sector, and the community to reduce this prevalence rate. Dompet Dhuafa, as an organization with health and social welfare pillars, has taken part in this.

In Lampung, the prevalence rate of wasting is 7 percent, while in Metro City in particular, the figure is greater, at 8.4 percent. Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung is committed to helping save the future of the nation’s children by alleviating malnutrition through the Nutrition Awareness Movement (GENZI) Post Program.

Pos Gerakan Sadar Gizi (GENZI) is one of the programs in the health pillar of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung. Pos GENZI is an intervention to improve the nutrition of toddlers who are wasting and at risk of wasting through local food education and changes in eating behavior that are carried out continuously for 12 days at Pos GENZI.

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Counseling activities on child nutrition for parents.

The term wasting refers to a condition where a child’s weight to height is disproportionately low or even below the normal range. In a wasting condition, the child’s stature looks thin or very thin because the body weight is not commensurate with the height. In addition to the high risk of death, children with wasting who are not treated properly have a three times higher risk of becoming stunted.

In its implementation, the Pos GENZI Program partners with the Lampung Branch of the Association of Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) and local posyandu cadres as program implementers in the field.

Dompet Dhuafa Lampung Branch Manager, Yogi Achmad Fajar, said that since the end of January 2023 the Pos GENZI Program has been taking place in Metro City, precisely in Yosomulyo Village, Central Metro District. Currently, the Pos GENZI Program is entering the monitoring and evaluation stage. In total, there are 20 children and parents who are the beneficiaries of the Post GENZI Program.

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The selection of locations and target beneficiaries is certainly not arbitrary. Dompet Dhuafa Lampung determines the target beneficiaries based on the results of coordination and recommendations from the Metro City Health Office (DHO).

“We certainly coordinate with the local Health Office who recommends locations in Metro City. So that this program is truly right on target and has an impact on the community,” he said.

Dompet Dhuafa with AIMI Lampung and beneficiaries of the Pos GENZI Program in Metro.

Meanwhile, Karin as the implementer of the GENZI Post Program from AIMI Lampung said that after one month to two months of this program, there were several beneficiaries who experienced an increase in weight. Although there are still some who have not experienced an increase due to other health complications. However, this will continue to be further reviewed, so that it becomes a special concern in the future.

“Alhamdulillah, after the second monitoring, there are some who have increased their weight,” said Karin.

Rohwati (53), one of the posyandu cadres in Yosomulyo Village, Central Metro, shared her experience in assisting and monitoring the implementation of the Pos GENZI program for 12 days. She also felt helped by the Pos GENZI program that has provided a lot of education. Thus, there are changes in parenting behavior and children’s diet.

“Thank you AIMI and Dompet Dhuafa, we cadres and parents get new knowledge and we can share and practice it in the future,” she said.

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Weighing and measuring baby’s height activities in Pos GENZI Program in Metro.

Behavioral changes due to this program were seen in both parents and children. Children are accustomed to washing their hands before and after eating. Meanwhile, parents are required to be able to provide adequate and balanced food intake for children by not having to separate the contents of children’s and parents’ plates. Therefore, they become more creative in processing food so that it can be consumed by their children.

“Now parents are no longer confused about giving food to toddlers. Because they no longer separate children’s food and daily food. Children eat what parents eat,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries of this program, Riyanti (32), also shared that her child is now eating better. Previously, it was quite difficult for him to eat. According to her, eating with parents is a good enough attraction for children to finish their food.

“Alhamdulillah, thanks to the Pos GENZI Program, we mothers have become more creative. Now my children like to snack too,” Riyanti said. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Riza Muthohar, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung
Editor: Dhika Prabowo