LKC Dompet Dhuafa Launches Water for Life Program in Gili Gede Indah Healthy Area of Lombok


GILI GEDE ISLAND, NTB – Dompet Dhuafa’s Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) held the Launching of the Water for Life Program in Gili Gede Indah Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on Tuesday (24/1/2023).

The Decree of the Management of the Water Management Community Group for Life Gili Gede Indah Village and the handover of Water for Life from Dompet Dhuafa to the Water Management for Life group community were also carried out at this event.

As we all know, water is an essential natural resource that all living creatures require. The availability of clean water in daily living is extremely critical, particularly in the Gili Gede Indah archipelago in West Lombok Regency, NTB.

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The geographical condition of Pulau Gili Gede causes this region to lack fresh water. From an economic perspective, the proportion of Gili Gede Indah people’s expenditure to meet water needs is quite large compared to land communities.

Aside from the worries and problems associated with community water access, Dompet Dhuafa cooperated with cross-divisions to launch the Water for Life Program expedition, which has now reached the final stage, where water may be accommodated and given to the community.



The launching of the Water for Life Program was attended by 173 participants which included the West Lombok Regency Government, Sekotong District Government, Interpensi Regional Health Center, Gili Gede Indah Village Government, community leaders, religious leaders and the people of Gili Gede Indah Village.

This event is arranged using the notion of a traditional local celebration named “Begawe Banjar”. When there are tasyakuran or large occasions such as weddings, this is one of the cultures in Lombok.

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Ust. Herman Budianto, General Manager (GM) of Culture and Education at Dompet Dhuafa, expressed his expectation that as water enters the Gili Gede area, the faith and loyalty of the people at all levels will grow.

“This water is a basic necessity that is urgent in our everyday lives; ideally, with the admission of water into the Gili Gede area, it will make obedience and improvement in worship a form of thankfulness, and hopefully, we all benefit from the inclusion of this water,” he stated.



The Paguyuban Gedang Belek Transe Jaye West Lombok also performed the Lombok regional art “Gendang Belek” as a guest greeter and accompaniment to the launching procedure at this event.

The cutting of the ribbon and opening of the water faucet was carried out symbolically by the Head of the West Lombok Marine and Fisheries Service as a representative of the West Lombok Regent. In addition, Abu Bakar Abdullah, a community spokesperson and waqf giver, attended the inaugural event.

“The struggle of Dompet Dhuafa’s colleagues to drain water to Gili Gede today, thank God, we have both witnessed. Although it has not been able to reach all hamlets in Gili Gede, this is our joint PR to demonstrate how cooperation exists between the local government, the village government of Dompet Dhuafa colleagues, and the community so that this water can reach all hamlets in Gili Gede Indah Village “According to Abu Bakar Abdullah’s speech.


The Water For Life Program launch was then closed with a prayer and prayer together, followed by a lunch together. Eating together is done with a local tradition often termed “Mangan Begibung”, which means to eat together.