BANYUMAS, CENTRAL JAVA – The Free Health Service (Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma, LKC) of Dompet Dhuafa, through its Health Emergency Response (Respon Darurat Kesehatan, RDK), organized a Volunteer Camp that took place over two days, Saturday to Sunday (30/9—1/10/2023) at Wana Wisata Baturraden, Banyumas, Central Java. The event was attended by 59 participants representing organizations/communities/institutions from 35 organizations in 19 regencies/cities in Central Java and Yogyakarta.
Adopting the concept of a volunteer camp, the Volunteer Camp event included indoor theoretical sessions and field practices by competent speakers in their respective fields. Apart from being an opportunity for knowledge and skill enhancement for volunteers part of the Indonesian Healthy Network in the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta, this event was also organized to expand and strengthen synergy and collaboration with communities, institutions, and volunteer organizations.
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According to Titi Ngudiati, the Head of LKC Dompet Dhuafa for Central Java Region, expanding the network is a necessity.
“By strengthening collaboration, philanthropic institutions can achieve a greater impact in addressing various issues, especially in health. Currently, we are striving to build a network with other organizations that have the same goal in the humanitarian mission in the field of health, so that we can respond more quickly, more efficiently, and more effectively in targeting the benefits,” explained Titi.
The two-day event involved many practitioners, including practitioners from AGD 118 and academicians from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of General Soedirman (UNSOED), the BPBD of Central Java Province, the Health Crisis Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health represented by the team from the Central Java region, and the National Health Insurance Supervisory Agency (Jamkeswatch). In addition to external speakers, training and material were also provided by internal speakers of Dompet Dhuafa, such as the Community Service Institution (LPM), Health Emergency Response (RDK), and Dompet Dhuafa Central Java Branch.
In his speech, the Head of the Central Java Branch of Dompet Dhuafa, Zaini Tafrikhan, conveyed that being a volunteer is a call of the heart that not everyone is willing and able to answer. Having adequate knowledge, skills, and capacity is the key in mobilizing goodness by the volunteers.
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The Volunteer Camp participants received various theoretical and practical materials, including Volunteerism, Integrated Emergency Disaster Management System and Field Hospital Management, Patient Evacuation and Transportation Triage, Basic Life Support, Health Insurance Issues, Disaster Management Communication and Coordination Systems, and Corpse Handling in Disaster Situations. The training activities concluded with a disaster management simulation directly evaluated by the speakers.
RDK LKC Dompet Dhuafa is present as a rapid response health service for underprivileged communities in emergency conditions, including in disaster situations, through efforts that are “Fast, Accurate, and Responsive”. The community can access the Crisis Center/Hotline Emergency Dhuafa at number 0811 1617 101 online 24 hours via the WhatsApp Chat platform. (Dompet Dhuafa/Central Java)