BANTUL, YOGYAKARTA — Collaborating with Sapadifa, Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta ‘s Free Health Services (LKC) provides a series of forms of care for People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ) found in the Bantul area. Sapadifa stands for Sahabat Pemerhati Difabel & ODGJ, a community that focuses on providing assistance and training for people with disabilities and ODGJ.
In this first action, LKC DD Jogja and Sapadifa cleaned and provided nutrition for two ODGJ, namely Mr. Maryanto (40) and Mr. Sigit (35). Like most other ODGJ, the condition of both of them is really concerning. Very poorly cared for and even missed the attention of their own families.
“This Saturday (5/11/2022) we, together with LKC DD Yogyakarta and Sapadifa, carried out the main activity of providing care and education on the importance of caring for the health of family members, especially those with mental disorders,” said Tomy as the person in charge of the activity as well as a representative from LKC DD Yogyakarta.
On the other hand, a representative from Sapadifa, Oman said, “This activity is quite helpful for us in the field and embraces people in need, especially for family members with mental disorders and other limitations. By collaborating with LKC DD Yogyakarta, the needs of ODGJ and other survivors can be met in terms of health “.
In addition to cleaning activities for ODGJ, this collaboration also involves Puskesmas Imogiri 2 in providing medicines needed by the ODGJ. Sapadifa hopes that if there are people who find that one of their family members has a mental disorder, they can be nurtured and given special attention. The community can contact Dompet Dhuafa through LKC DD Yogyakarta and Sapadifa in an effort to fulfill the physical and spiritual needs of ODGJ patients in particular.
It is also hoped that with this activity, hopefully more parties, stakeholders and communities will embrace ODGJ so that they can recover and be independent, both by providing assistance and training. (Dompet Dhuafa / DD Jogja)