BOGOR — Alhamdulillah, the Human Development Institute or Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI) Dompet Dhuafa once again received the highest title from the Public Accounting Firm or Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP). This was announced Nurhayati as Head of Public Relations of LPI Dompet Dhuafa through a public report on Wednesday (31/5/2023) afternoon.
“LPI has received an Unqualified Fair Opinion or Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) regarding the 2022 financial statements from the Public Accounting Firm. Thus, LPI has received this opinion for 17 consecutive years since 2006-2022,” said Nurhayati.
WTP is the highest predicate given by external auditors to financial statements. This predicate is given if the presentation of financial statements has been carried out reasonably under applicable accounting principles (SAK -ETAP).
Also Read: Kado Istimewa Milad Ke-29, Laporan Keuangan Dompet Dhuafa Mendapatkan Anugerah WTP
“The WTP award is proof of commitment and dedication in carrying out the mandate given by donors to LPI Dompet Dhuafa. Thank you to all parties who contributed to the process. Congratulations and good luck, LPI Dompet Dhuafa!” concluded Nurhayati. (Dompet Dhuafa/Dhika Prabowo)