LPI Ready to Contribute to Professional Teacher Education Leadership in Indonesia

JAKARTA — Qualified teachers are a guarantee of the implementation of quality learning processes and outcomes. Teacher skills will only be met by achieving competency standards through the professional education of teachers who are also qualified.

 After the pandemic, education challenges globally are no longer the same as they were 2 or 3 years earlier. The Ministry of Education and Culture is currently transforming Professional Teacher Education (Pendidikan Profesi guru/PPG),  which can meet future learning challenges.

 In order to transform the PPG Program, a Seminar and Coordination Meeting for Teacher Education was held on Monday (10/10/2020). This event took place in 2 (two) sites, in Building D of the Ministry of Education and Culture, then continued at the Millennium Hotel Jakarta.

 In an educational seminar filled with Prof. Lynn Paine, a Professor from Michigan State University; Prof. Dorinda Carter Andrews, Head of the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University; Iwan Syahril, Ph.D., Director General of PAUDDasMen; and Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd., Director General of GTK; all four agreed that teacher education should be able to answer future challenges, so it is impossible to return to pre-pandemic conditions.

 This seminar concluded that the challenges of post-pandemic education are not only in increasing literacy, numeracy, and learning competencies in the 21st century. Some of the new challenges that need to be considered in learning development are issues around social-emotional, physical fitness, and students’ mental health.

 Temu Ismail, Director of Professional Teacher Education (Interim/PLT), said in his remarks, “One form of transformation of Teacher Education is to build collaboration between LPTK Campuses and various Development Partners in the field of education. In this Meeting, the Directorate of PPG brought together 12 LPTK campuses with 10 Development Partner organizations, one of which was the LPI (Human Development Institute) Dompet Dhuafa”.

 Also Read: https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/gelar-compass-building-camp-2022-etos-id-gelorakan-semangat-kepemudaan/

 LPI Dompet Dhuafa, represented by Guru Agung Pardini as Head of the Indonesian School Network Division (Jaringan Sekolah Indonesia), stated that it is ready to partner with LPTK campuses in assisting PPG student leadership projects.

 “Inshaa Allah, several LPTK campuses have stated that they are ready to build partnerships with LPI DD in making the PPG program a success. Hopefully, this collaboration can encourage the successful transformation of teacher education in the country,” said Guru Agung. (Dompet Dhuafa / LPI)