Mandatory Requirements of Giving Out Rice for Zakat al-Fitr

Ilustrasi zakat dalam artikel alasan wajib bayar zakat

Zakat al-Fitr in a form of rice is an alternative to zakat payments authorized by scholars in Indonesia. Every Ramadan month, Muslims are obliged to pay for zakat al-Fitr. If you want to pay for zakat al-Fitr as a staple food, consider the mandatory and legal conditions of paying for zakat al-Fitr in the form of rice.

Law of Zakat al-Fitr in A Form of Rice

Every Muslim is obliged to pay for zakat al-Fitr, both men and women, both infants and elderly who are free and capable.

From Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) obligated zakat al-Fitr with one sho’ of dates or one sho’ of wheat for slaves and independent people, for men and women, for children and adults of the Muslims. He ordered that the zakat be paid before people leave for the Eid prayer.” Muttafaqun ‘alaih. (HR. Bukhari no. 1503 and Muslim no. 984)

From Abu Sa’id Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, “We handed over zakat in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with one sho’ of food, one sho’ of dates, one sho’ of wheat, or one sho’ of grapes (dry).” Muttafaqun ‘alaih. (HR. Bukhari no. 1508 and Muslim no. 985)

Another narration says, “Or with one sho’ of cheese.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1506 and Muslim no. 985).

The size of 1 sho’ is equivalent to a dose between 2,157-3.0 kilograms. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) sets zakat al-Fitr in the form of staple food in Indonesia to range in the middle number, which is 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters. The hadith explains that the staple food can be wheat, dates, grapes, or cheese. However, the Scholars in Indonesia determined that the staple food in Indonesia is in the form of rice, because rice is the daily food ingredient of Indonesian people. One person is obliged to pay for zakat al-Fitr in the form of rice weighing 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters.

The Role and Function of Zakat al-Fitr for Muslims

Zakat al-Fitr has the aim of purifying the soul, property, and personal self, as a complement to fasting, as a sign that we have returned to clean when welcoming Eid al-Fitr. 

In addition to our spiritual purpose, zakat al-Fitr also has a high social purpose. That is, we share a sense of happiness when welcoming the Eid. Zakat al-Fitr tries to ensure that no Muslim is sad during the Eid, because they can both enjoy dishes during the Eid from zakat distributed before the Eid prayer.

Also Read: 6 Hikmah Zakat Fitrah Bagi Umat Islam

Mandatory Requirements to Pay for Zakat al-Fitr

Scholars of the Shafi’i school agree that the obligation of zakat al-Fitr only applies to people who are having excess wealth, they are in the form of staple food on Eid. Therefore, they measure zakat obligations calculated from the society’s ability to provide staple food on Eid.

Before paying for zakat al-Fitr, then make sure whether you have met the requirements to pay zakat al-Fitr or not. The following are mandatory conditions and conditions for not being obliged to pay for zakat al-Fitr.

Mandatory requirements for people who pay zakat al-Fitr

  • Muzakki believes in Islam (Moslem)
  • Independent, not being in a state of slavery
  • Having more wealth than daily necessities for himself/herself and those under his/her dependents on Eid

It is better for Muslims to prioritize themselves to pay for zakat al-Fitr. However, if you have excess wealth, then you are encouraged to pay for the Zakat al-Fitr for your family and relatives, like parents and children born before sunset at the end of Ramadan.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Start with yourself, then pay zakat on it. If something is excessive, then (pay zakat) to your family. If something is more in your family, then for your relatives,‘” (HR Muslim)

Conditions for people not obliged to pay zakat al-Fitr:

  • A person who has died before sunset at the end of Ramadan
  • Children born after sunset at the end of Ramadan and before Eid prayer begin
  • Converts or new converts to Islam after sunset at the end of Ramadan and before Eid al-Fitr prayer begin
  • The newly married wife who is married after sunset at the end of Ramadan and before the Eid prayer begin

Procedures for Implementing Zakat al-Fitr in A Form of Rice

A person can use the remaining (stock) rice in his/her house to pay zakat al-Fitr obligations for himself/herself and his/her family. The implementation is carried out by following the provisions of the type and dose that must be paid for zakat, as well as to whom the zakat al-Fitr is given. The following are the procedures for implementing zakat al-Fitr in a form of rice:

1. The Rice Condition

Make sure the condition of the rice is in a suitable state for consumption. It does not smell musty, nor do you have lice in it, because good rice will also give a happy feeling for Mustahiq (people who receive zakat) who consumes it on Eid.

2. Weighing the Rice Dose

You can buy rice that has been measured from the store, or you can weigh it yourself. Make sure the dose is in accordance with the provisions, which is 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters

3. Packing the Rice

When paying for zakat al-Fitr in a form of rice, make sure the rice is well-packed. So that when collecting and distributing, the rice does not scatter.

4. Paying for the Zakat

Zakat al-Fitr in a form of rice can be paid through the nearest mosque or a zakat institution. Make sure the mosque or institution manages and distributes zakat properly and reliably, so that your worship can be carried out properly.

Also Read: Hukum Bayar Zakat Online dan Cara Pelaksanaannya

5. Time for Paying for the Zakat 

The maximum due date to pay for zakat al-Fitr is before the Eid al-Fitr prayer begins. So, make sure not to be late to pay for it, because if we are late for paying for it, it will become a sin for us.

Other Alternative Payments of Zakat al-Fitr

If you have troubles to prepare rice as a mean of payment of zakat al-Fitr, you can pay zakat al-Fitr in the form of cash whose value equivalent to the price of rice consumed everyday. You can also follow nominal of zakat al-Fitr set by Baznas, that is RP 45,000 per person. Paying for zakat al-Fitr could be easier and faster through Dompet Dhuafa.