SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA — His interest in art did not prevent Muhammad Dzaky from successfully memorizing 30 juz of the Qur’an at eTahfidz, Sukabumi. In fact, this became a medium for him to remember every word of Allah that was spoken from His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad.
For Arabs, or people who study Arabic, the Qur’an is the highest literary art that no one will ever be able to successfully match. Instead of memorizing, the student from Serang, Banten, tries to understand the literary beauty of each verse of the Qur’an.
Investigated, his interest in the Qur’an has been instilled since childhood by his parents. Fate willed him to be born to a pair of teachers, Dzaky’s parents strongly supported him to become a hafiz Al-Qur’an. Not enough to stop there, being a student at eTahfidz makes him get more support from foster parents who are also very in love with the memorizers of the Qur’an.
“Since I was a child, my parents have encouraged me to memorize the Qur’an. In the past, my intention or goal was because my parents told me to. Now, because I have learned more about religion, so I intend to memorize for Allah. Besides that, my parents are still a big motivation. Also for myself,” said Dzaky while still wearing his graduation clothes, on Thursday (27/06/2024), at the Tahfizh Green Lido Islamic Boarding School (PTGL), Sukabumi.
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Reviewing his timeline until now completely memorizing 30 juz, since he was in elementary school he has been able to memorize 1.5 juz. Graduating from junior high school, he managed to memorize 12 juz. He went to mondok for 1 year in Banten before finally entering eTahfidz. Until entering eTahfidz, he already had 26 juz memorized.
Even so, when he started at eTahfidz, he still had to repeat his memorization from the beginning. This is a form of equality among other students who may have different memorization, even zero. For Dzaky, repeating memorization from the beginning is actually used as a means to further strengthen memorization.
“The Quran is a guide and a guideline. So memorizing the Qur’an is not about the purpose of finding what kind of life, but I memorize the Qur’an so that this life is always directed and always given guidance. The Qur’an discusses not only worship but all aspects of life. So the Qur’an is a tool to base all matters of life. Like maybe one day I want to be an artist. Now the Qur’an is my basis and foundation in that direction. That is a quranic artist,” said Dzaky.
“It could be that later I might preach through art. Specifically, fine arts and written literature,” she continued.
Not surprisingly, even before the moment of graduation from her school, she had been accepted at a well-known state campus, the University of Indonesia with a major in Arabic Literature. The title of santri/sastri is already attached to her.
Dzaky is one of many eTahfidz graduates. He managed to completely absorb the knowledge in eTahfidz thanks to the support and contribution of foster parents. Through the Foster Parents program, Dompet Dhuafa bridges the donors to become parents for future Al-Qur’an memorizers and leaders.
In addition to Dzaky, eight of his friends have also managed to qualify for college. Among them are Muhammad Salman at STEI SEBI majoring in Sharia Economics, Sulaiman Arif at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim majoring in Constitutional Law, M. Anwar Muzakki at Jakarta State University majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Fauzan Al Ghifari at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah majoring in Dirasah Islamiah, Muhammad Arifin at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah majoring in History of Islamic Civilization, Muhammad Zakri at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah majoring in Sharia Economics, Mhd Radiansyah at Bengkalis State Polytechnic majoring in Digital Business, and Ridho Tri Ansyah at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang majoring in Islamic Communication and Broadcasting.
Read also: Generali Indonesia Appreciates Waqf-Based Tahfidz Islamic Boarding School of Dompet Dhuafa
Not only the students, but the parents were also happy for the graduation. Mannajai, Dzaky’s biological father, expressed his gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen who have become his son’s parents. Although he never met them, he wished all the good things for the people involved in educating his son.
“The kindness from all of you is worthless. We will never be able to repay it. All we can do is ask Allah to repay it. Because only Allah knows how much it is worth and is able to repay it,” said Mannajai while thanking the teachers, foster parents, and all parties involved. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Riza Muthohar
Editor: Dhika Prabowo