JAKARTA — Dompet Dhuafa‘s Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma or LKC (Free Health Service) also commemorates Hari Gizi Nasional or HGN (National Nutrition Day) which takes place every January 25. At HGN 2023, Wednesday (25/1/2023), LKC held a nutrition education event for the people of Pulau Kelapa Urban Village, at RPTRA Nyiur Melambai Kepulauan Seribu Utara Sub-district.
This activity is the result of collaboration with Puskesmas Kecamatan Seribu Utara and Pulau Kelapa Urban Village. Carrying the theme of “Prevent Stunting with Animal-based Proteins”, this education targets pregnant women and malnourished toddlers’ mothers (malnutrition/short/very short) presented by Universitas Esa Unggul Lecturer, Nadiyah, SGz, M.Si, CSRS.
In her presentation, Nadiyah said that one of the balanced nutrition was to meet the needs of animal-based proteins in children’s intake. She advised mothers to always make sure that every plate served to their babies contains proteins. Mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding really need to consume proteins for fetal development and toddler growth.
“Protein, especially animal-based, is very important for the growth of our toddlers, including while they’re still in the womb,” she explained.
Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa dan Rumah Literasi Hijau Gulirkan Program Rumah Lestari di Kepulauan Seribu
Not only that, the series of events continued with cooking workshops / demos involving Community Service Program students from Esa Unggul University. A total of 40 participants from toddler mothers and pregnant women enthusiastically and solemnly participated in each series of events.
Being all out, in each nutrition package from the cooking demo it says “The contents of my plate are now rich in proteins”. This is a form of message to every mother not to miss the protein content in your little one’s dinner plate.
This series of events has actually been going on since Friday (20/1/2023) with activities in the form of toddler nutrition screening. A total of 50 toddlers of Pulau Kelapa have been screened for nutrition. Then on the nutrition day at RPTRA Nyiur Melambai, LKC collected and provided nutrition packages to 20 toddlers with malnutrition conditions from the screening results.
Senior Officer of Health Promotion of Dompet Dhuafa, Sifing Lestari said, “We hope that this activity can trigger the people of Pulau Kelapa to concern about every nutritional intake given to their children,” she said.
Through this activity as well, Dompet Dhuafa strives to realize its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or sustainable development that maintains the continuous improvement of the community’s economic welfare. That way, Indonesia’s ideal of being free from stunting can be realized. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)