In the era of advanced technology, most human interactions have moved from offline to online. Even some, especially Gen Z and millennials, are more comfortable making online transactions than offline. This also affects the habits of people giving alms. Now they are more comfortable giving alms through online platforms. However, is there an online charity application that is really easy, practical and convenient?
Online Sadaqah
Before finding out which online charity application is suitable for you, it is better to first know the law of online charity. Yusuf al-Qardhawi is of the opinion that online charity is valid and permissible, even though there is no contract or direct meeting between the giver and the recipient.
Yusuf al-Qhardawi explains that a muzaki or charity giver is not obliged to state directly to the mustahik or beneficiary that the funds he gives are charity. Akad is not a valid requirement, because the most important thing is the intention when going to fulfill it.
In line with Yusuf al-Qardhawi, Ustaz Abdul Somad also stated the same thing. He explained that the pillar of sadaqah is the intention, while the spoken contract is a sunnah that is afdal if done.
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Online Sadaqah Application
After knowing the law of online charity is valid and permissible, let’s start exploring online charity applications that provide complete features. So, it can help and facilitate our needs to give alms online.
Society’s familiarity with technology has made amil zakat institutions and nonprofit organizations initiate online platforms for their donors, including Dompet Dhuafa. As a performance support in managing Ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf), Dompet Dhuafa launched an online sadaqah application, namely DD Apps or Dompet Dhuafa application. This application has been designed since 2011, and has now been developed and refined to make it easier for donors.
In addition to technological developments, the Covid-19 pandemic also motivated Dompet Dhuafa to create DD Apps. Since then, all communities including donors have begun to switch to digital platforms. In fact, donors who used to come to counters, cash offices, branch offices, or Dompet Dhuafa headquarters, they practically changed their habits, doing all transactions digitally.
Dompet Dhuafa App
Dompet Dhuafa or DD Apps offers a variety of features that make it easier for users to fulfill alms, ziswaf, and qurbani. These features are designed to provide a more practical, transparent, and memorable donation experience.
What are the advantages of DD Apps as an online alms application?
Complete Donation Features
The main feature of DD Apps is Donation. This feature provides convenience for users to channel alms to various programs. In this feature there are various options for good funds, ranging from Zakat, Infaq, Alms, Waqf, Humanity, and Sacrifice.
In the Zakat option, you can distribute Fitrah Zakat, Mal Zakat, Income Zakat, and so on. While in the Infaq and Sadaqah option, Sahabat can channel donations for various needs of the people, ranging from education, health, community empowerment to disaster relief.
You can also do waqf in the Waqf option starting from only IDR 10,000. These waqf funds will be used for various sustainable productive programs, such as hospitals, building schools, wells and so on.
Not only ziswaf, Sahabat can also fulfill and buy sacrificial animals on the Dompet Dhuafa application. In fact, you can monitor the distribution of sacrificial animals until they reach the hands of beneficiaries spread throughout the country.
In addition to the Donation feature, DD Apps also offers other features to support ziswaf payments. These include Consultation on Zakat, Zakat Pickup, and Zakat Calculator.
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Various Payment Methods
In addition to DANA as the main payment, DD Apps also offers ease of payment with a variety of payment methods. Starting from e-wallets such as OVO, Virtual Account (VA) from BCA, BRI, BNI, and Permata banks, to Bank Transfer from various state-owned and private banks.
Transactions through the various payment methods above are processed in real-time, so you can immediately see proof of payment. Overall, the payment methods in the Dompet Dhuafa application are designed to provide a safe, comfortable, and efficient donation experience.
Routine Donation
DD Apps also offers a Routine Donation feature that allows you to channel donations automatically and periodically. This feature is designed to make it easier for users who want to give alms regularly at certain times.
For example, you want to give alms regularly at dawn. You can set it up so that you can give alms regularly at dawn, every day, every week, every month, or every year. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t wake up at dawn because you’ve done alms. You still have to wake up at dawn to pray and intend to give alms.
Transparent Report
One of the purposes of DD Apps is to provide maximum transparency to users/donors. If you use DD Apps as your online alms application, then you will get details of where the funds you donate are channeled.
You can check your alms journey in the My Donations option. There will be a personal transaction report consisting of Donation Details and Donation Status. You can see in detail every transaction you make on DD Apps, starting from the amount of funds, transaction date, to the program/campaign you support.
In addition, there is also a program report that contains an explanation of the impact of the donation you made. For example, the number of children who have successfully gained access to quality education or the number of MSMEs that have received assistance, and so on. This report will also be equipped with photos and videos in the field.
Read also: Sadaqah When It’s Hard: Strengthening Faith, Opening Doors to Sustenance
Worship Support Features
In addition to the main features, DD Apps also provides Worship features to support the worship needs of its users. The Worship feature consists of Prayer Schedule, Digital Al-Qur’an, and Ask Ustad.
Worship features can be accessed anytime, anywhere, in one hand. With this feature, you can also interact with a team of religious experts to answer all questions about Ziswaf and Islam as a whole.
Now, after knowing the explanation above, you already know what online alms application you want to use. DD Apps is not just an application for donating, but can also be your loyal friend in carrying out daily worship. Download the DD Apps online alms application here for iOS and here for Android! (RQA)