Only Eat Meat Once a Year, Stocking Sacrificial Animals Dompet Dhuafa Makes Sukabumi People Happy

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

SUKABUMI — Dawn rose, takbir echoed loudly, indicating that Eid al-Adha 1444 H had arrived. Through Program Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK), Dompet Dhuafa together with the Riung Mukti Sukabumi Multipurpose Livestock Cooperative (KPSU) carried out the slaughter of 78 sacrificial animals equivalent to doka for the people of Sukabumi spread across three districts, namely Kabandungan, Kalapanunggal, and Cikidang.

KPSU Riung Mukti is a livestock cooperative that has been a partner of Dompet Dhuafa since 2011, since the establishment of the Dompet Dhuafa Independent Community Work initiative. Currently, eight Farmer Business Groups (KUP) are members of KPSU Riung Mukti.

On Thursday (29/6/2023), the slaughter of sacrificial animals was carried out at several points close to livestock groups, one of which was at Bashorun Fuadun KUP. 40 doka sacrificial animals have been slaughtered located in Kp. Pasirawi, RT 011 RW 003, Palasari Girang Village, Kalapanunggal, Sukabumi Regency.

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THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

After performing Eid prayers, Bashorun Fuadun’s group immediately prepared the location of the slaughter site and the distribution of sacrificial animals. The Dompet Dhuafa Monitoring & Evaluation Team (Monev) opened the slaughter event and provided direction to the committee regarding the implementation of slaughtering, skinning, shredding, and distribution.

Since the good collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa and KPSU Riung Mukti, people, especially those in Sukabumi Regency, have been able to taste meat every year for the last 12 years. In fact, the Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Program is a point of hope for the community to feel the pleasure of sacrificial meat, which was originally only felt by a few RTs. But now, almost all Sukabumi people in three sub-districts can taste sacrificial meat.

“Continue to benefit from this cooperative, and with this Sacrificial Animal Stocking, Alhamdulillah, in the community, it is felt, especially the people who cannot afford it, who may only eat meat once a year. With this, they routinely eat meat, “said Harun Arrasyid as Chairman of the KPSU Riung Mukti.

Also Read: Hari Raya Kurban 1444 H, Dai Pemberdaya Dompet Dhuafa Bagikan Sedekah Daging ke Desa Terpecil di Grobogan

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

“And Alhamdulillah, this has also become the hope of the community, that if our Eid al-Kurban becomes a channel for them. Now we also distribute not only in Sukabumi Regency, but also to Municipalities, including in Gunung Puyuh to Pelabuhan Ratu,” said the man who is often called Abah.

In line with this, Ahmad Ghufron Santoso as the Monev Team of THK Dompet Dhuafa explained the reason for holding THK in Sukabumi Regency.

“The community around Klapanunggal District can be categorized as a duafa community. Why not? They rely on the livelihood of livestock and farmers who are self-taught. Then, Dompet Dhuafa was present to provide intelligence and direction on the urgency of the empowerment program in this case the livestock sector. Alhamdulillah, KPSU Riung Mukti received with a warm welcome,” said Ghufron.

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THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

In addition to Bashorun Fuadun KUP, on the same day 15 doka were also slaughtered and distributed at Panggugah Lumaku KUP, which is still located in the same village, namely Pasirawi Village.

The community welcomed the implementation of THK. Queues can be seen snaking in the region. The distribution process is carried out by exchanging sacrificial coupons that have been distributed before.

Dida Parida (44), sebagai warga asli yang beraktivitas sebagai Ibu Rumah Tangga mengungkapkan, dirinya dapat merasakan daging kurban berkat Program THK Dompet Dhuafa.

Also Read: Sambut Baik Program THK Dompet Dhuafa, Masyarakat Tulung Agung Senang Bisa Rasakan Daging Kurban

“Always from here (THK Program), alhamdulillah every year is pleased, helping the community here. Alhamdulillah, every year, we always share continuously with the community, hopefully in the future, it will be more advanced and better. Before this program from Dompet Dhuafa I rarely ate meat, most from neighbors. Here, alhamdulillah, it has been 12 years. Alhamdulillah I can continue to eat meat,” said Dida.

THK Dompet Dhuafa di Sukabumi

“It is rare to eat sacrificial meat, only during the sacrifice (Eid-al-adha). You can get it from the distribution pass here. Alhamdulillah is very happy, thanks to my Dompet Dhuafa so I can cook sacrificial meat,” added Halimah (55), a widow drying sago flour.

Dadan (42), a resident of Kp. Pasirawi as a farm worker also expressed his gratitude because this year he could taste sacrificial meat again.

“Alhamdulillah, every year I can eat meat again. I only eat meat during Eid al-Adha and it is from Dompet Dhuafa,” added Dadan. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)