Organizing a Healthy Post Jamboree throughout Java, Dompet Dhuafa Improves the Quality of Health Cadres

YOGYAKARTA — The Health Division of Dompet Dhuafa through free Health Services (LKC) held a Healthy Post Jamboree event at Zest Hotel, Purwokinanti, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta City. This activity lasted for 3 (three) days, Friday to Sunday (14-16/10/2022), in the form of a Workshop as a place to establish silaturrahmi (close bond/relationship) with LKC Healthy Post partners throughout Java Island. In addition, this event is also a transformation of Pos Sehat to discover the development of health information and the expansion of the role of Pos Sehat as a milestone in improving public health by Dompet Dhuafa. In this event, as many as 30 Healthy Post cadres from various LKC Dompet Dhuafa Healthy Posts in West Java, Jakarta, Banten, Jogja, Central Java, and East Java, as well as 5 (five) health workers in charge of the Pos Sehat program followed the stages of the Certification Process for The Public Health Empowerment Profession. 

GM of Dompet Dhuafa Health Division, dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM., explained that Dompet Dhuafa is determined to grow public awareness of health problems through the Pos Sehat service program. Especially those from vulnerable marginal groups. Pos Sehat is also in line with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI), the Integrated Development Post for Non-Communicable Diseases (Posbindu PTM). This program is a form of promotive and preventive community participation in early detection, monitoring, and early follow-up of NCD risk factors independently and continuously.

GM of Dompet Dhuafa Health Division, dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM. explaining the Pos Sehat LKC Dompet Dhuafa program


As many as 30 Pos Sehat cadres throughout Java Island participated in the certification of the Public Health Empowerment Profession.

This public awareness that has grown will be the starting capital. The next step is to build the initiatives of the poor to solve health problems jointly. 

Director of the Dompet Dhuafa Professional Certification Institute, Yuda Abadi, explained this certification process is a collaboration between LKC Dompet Dhuafa and the Dompet Dhuafa Professional Certification Institute (LSP) by following the overall standards of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The competency test standard refers to the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI). “This BNSP certification test has micro, mezo, and macro dimensions. Macro-wise, certification is part of the state’s presence in providing professional recognition to public health empowerees at all Dompet Dhuafa Health Posts,” he said. 

Furthermore, in mezo, those who are competent have the opportunity to replicate public health empowerment programs more reliably. Finally, micro-wise, it means being a framework for maintaining the competence of community empowerment personnel within the national competency framework. “With this certification, it is hoped that it can improve the ability and capacity of cadres as public health empowerment and provide opportunities to strengthen cadre competencies that can be recognized nationally,” added Yeni.

Achmad Lukman, Manager of Disaster Risk Reduction (PRB) DMC Dompet Dhuafa, when giving a presentation on disasters.


The certification process of the Public Health Empowering Profession.

In the future, continued Yeni, Dompet Dhuafa will continue to improve the competence of LKC Dompet Dhuafa cadres and health workers in managing health programs. That way it can reach more people and areas in need with capable competencies in their respective roles as public health empowerees. 

Dara, one of the jamboree participants from LKC East Java, said, “By participating in this activity, my competence can be recognized, and then I want to hone my skills in a healthy post so that the East Java Healthy Post can develop in the community.” 

Dompet Dhuafa, since its inception, realized that the Professional Certification Institute (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) would be an instrument in improving the competence of empowerers who are correlated with the degree of health of an area. The better the competence of its empowering personnel, the higher the chances of improving the region’s public health degree. The entire framework aligns with the SDGs, where Dompet Dhuafa plays a role in each of its goals. (Dompet Dhuafa / PR / Muthohar)