Organizing Wakaf Goes to Campus, Dompet Dhuafa Introduces and Improves Waqf Literacy for the Young Generation

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Wakaf Goes to Campus

BANDUNG — On Sunday (4/6/2023), Dompet Dhuafa again held Wakaf Goes to Campus. Not alone, Dompet Dhuafa organized this event in collaboration with Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam (FoSSEI) and Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam, Islamic Studies and Economic Group (KSEI ISEG) of Padjadjaran University. Wakaf Goes to Campus this time took place at Masjid Raya Padjajaran, Bandung, West Java.

As one of the instruments of Islamic economics, literacy regarding waqf is still not optimal in Islamic society, including the younger generation of Islam. Today, waqf is still identical with 3M, namely masjid, madrasah, dan makam (mosques, madrasah/schools, and tombs). In fact, the potential of waqf is so great to build community welfare.

Waqf literacy is also still identical to be carried out by those who are rich and entering old age. In fact, waqf can also be done by young people, as early as possible, and with an affordable amount.

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Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Wakaf Goes to Campus

Wakaf Goes to Campus aims to introduce and improve waqf literacy for the young generation of Islam, especially college students who carry the mission of change for the better.

The theme of Wakaf Goes to Campus this time is “The Multiplier Effect of Waqf.” This theme was chosen in view of the broad and sustainable benefits of waqf. Also present at this event were General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf, Bobby P. Manullang; Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf, Sulistiqomah; National Presidium for Institutional Affairs of Fossei, Arya Dwiki Putra; as well as Content Creator, Fauzan Ramaditya.

GM Dompet Dhuafa Waqf, Bobby Manullang said that the extraordinary potential of waqf in Indonesia has not been accompanied by a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of waqf, so that its potential has not been optimized yet. Waqf is a great instrument for a country. In fact, according to Bobby, some countries with Muslim minorities have made waqf as an economic instrument of their country. Waqf as an instrument of Islamic economy has a huge impact if it is optimized as one of the country’s economic instruments.

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Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Wakaf Goes to Campus

“However, Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country, in fact, the level of literacy regarding waqf is still low,” said Bobby.

On the other hand, Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf, Sulistiqomah explained that when looking at history, there are 3 basic principles of waqf, they are: waqf assets that have been given cannot be sold, cannot be mortgaged, and cannot be handed-over.

“As for the waqf results or the surplus, it can be distributed to the underprivileged and may also be distributed to the waqf family in need,” she explained.

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According to Sulistiqomah, the understanding of waqf must be adjusted to the current times, including the use of waqf assets. This is aimed to make waqf become a strategic economic instrument in fulfilling the needs of the community.

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Wakaf Goes to Campus
Bobby P. Manullang as General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf.

“From this, waqf can really be implemented into rahmatan lil alamin,” she said.

Wakaf Goes To Campus (WGTC) Dompet Dhuafa as a form of effort so that the younger generation, especially college students, know and understand about waqf. With this, hopefully the extraordinary potential of waqf, the benefit, can be felt not only by Muslims, but also by all levels of society. (Dompet Dhuafa/Hafiz/ADP)