BANDAR LAMPUNG — The Bengkulu-Lampung Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) held a mass circumcision event at AKA Medika Sribhawono Hospital in East Lampung on Wednesday (17/1/2024). The event was conducted in partnership with Dompet Dhuafa and was a collaborative effort with the Paguyuban Pegawai Kanwil DJP Bengkulu-Lampung and the Ikatan Keluarga Besar KPP Madya Bandar Lampung. Over 100 participants took part in the free mass circumcision.
Yogi Achmad Fajar, the Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung, expressed appreciation for the organization of the mass circumcision. Yogi also thanked the Bengkulu-Lampung Regional Office of the DJP for involving Dompet Dhuafa Lampung and AKA Medika Sribhawono Hospital as partners of goodwill in hosting the mass circumcision event.
“We highly appreciate the Bengkulu-Lampung Regional Office of the DJP for initiating this mass circumcision event and for inviting Dompet Dhuafa Lampung and AKA Medika to join this collaborative effort of goodwill,” said Yogi.
“May this event serve as a means for the DJP Bengkulu-Lampung, KPP Madya Bandar Lampung, and all tax offices in Lampung to achieve success and smooth operations in 2024. We hope to establish more collaborations of goodwill in the future,” he continued.
Tri Bowo, the Head of the Bengkulu-Lampung Regional Office of the DJP, mentioned in his opening speech that the event was organized to fulfill religious obligations.
“Circumcision is one of the conditions for the validity of religious rituals. From a religious perspective, circumcision is meant to ease and expedite the physical cleansing process as one of the conditions for valid worship,” said Tri Bowo.
He further stated that the social service activity was carried out to spread kindness and benefits to the community.
“Just as taxes are collected for national development, we organized this mass circumcision to spread kindness and benefits to the community. This event is a form of our gratitude for the achievements earned in 2023,” he said.
“Circumcision is not only for religious requirements but also supports the health of the nation’s children. Moreover, circumcision is a lesson for our children about the importance of health and cleanliness. Let’s support the nation’s children to grow healthy and strong,” concluded Tri Bowo.
Meanwhile, the parents of the participants expressed their gratitude for the organization of the event. They thanked the organizers and hoped that such social service activities could be held regularly.
“We are very grateful and feel greatly helped. The free circumcision and the gifts provided are very beneficial. We hope such positive activities can be held regularly,” said Rudi (40), a participant’s parent from Sumur Putri, Bandar Lampung.
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Ocky Melati Indah Sari, the Director of AKA Medika Sribhwono Hospital, also expressed appreciation for the mass circumcision event.
“The mass circumcision organized by the DJP Regional Office is very noble. We all know that circumcision greatly aids in health and cleanliness. Circumcision is also important for preventing sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and others,” said Ocky.
Furthermore, Ocky regarded the mass circumcision event as very noble and beneficial to the community.
“This activity is undoubtedly positive and noble, showing that the DJP office is willing to share some of their fortune, especially to help those less fortunate to circumcise their children. Thus, this event is very helpful to the community,” Ocky stated. (Dompet Dhuafa/Lampung)