Philanthropic Organization Based on Journalism Values

JAKARTA – National Press Day, which is celebrated every February 9, is a moment of reflection for press people in carrying out their journalistic duties by adhering to the basic principles of journalism. For journalists, the commemoration, which was established through Presidential Decree Number 5 of 1985, is to emphasize the importance of responsible press freedom, to ensure that information circulating in the community remains independent, trusted, and able to convey accurate information to the public.

These principles are not only relevant for the press, but also for organizations born from the spirit of journalism itself, such as Dompet Dhuafa.

Dompet Dhuafa is an Islamic philanthropic organization born from the souls of Republika Daily journalists who were moved to help others. With noble determination, on July 2, 1993, the Dompet Dhuafa donation column appeared on the main page of the Republika General Daily. A year later, this institution obtained the deed of establishment of the foundation. The journalists who founded Dompet Dhuafa, namely Parni Hadi, Haidar Bagir, S. Sinansari Ecip, and Eri Sudewo, brought the values of journalism into their humanitarian spirit.

Now for more than three decades carrying out the mandate of entrusted wealth from donors, every Dompet Dhuafa employee still consistently applies the principles of journalism. There are nine elements of journalism as formulated by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in the book The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect.

Dompet Dhuafa and the Nine Elements of Journalism

Here is how the nine elements of journalism are realized in every step of Dompet Dhuafa’s work:

1. Truth as the Main Core

Journalism aims to convey truth that is functional for society. Dompet Dhuafa applies this principle in the transparency of its donation reports and social programs. Through regular publications on various platforms, Dompet Dhuafa ensures that donors get accurate and reliable information on how their funds are managed for humanity.

2. Siding with the Community

Just as journalism must be loyal to the community, Dompet Dhuafa makes siding with the poor a top priority. Health programs such as the Free Health Service (LKC) and education programs for underprivileged children show their dedication to serving people in need, not just the internal interests of the institution.

3. Verification Discipline

Dompet Dhuafa ensures the accuracy of information in the distribution of aid. Each beneficiary goes through a strict verification process so that the assistance is truly received by those who are entitled. For example, in disaster response programs, the Dompet Dhuafa team conducts field assessments to ensure data on affected victims before distributing aid.

4. Independence from the Covered Party

Dompet Dhuafa maintains independence in running its programs. Despite having many strategic partners, the organization does not bow to certain interests that conflict with its social mission. For example, in humanitarian advocacy, Dompet Dhuafa remains brave in voicing the rights of vulnerable groups despite facing pressure from various parties.

5. Power Monitor and Voice of the Weak

Just as the press plays a role in monitoring power, Dompet Dhuafa serves as a “watchdog” on social and humanitarian issues. Dompet Dhuafa’s campaigns on social inequality, access to education, and health services are tangible forms of journalism that fight for justice for the oppressed.

6. Journalism as a Public Forum

Dompet Dhuafa opens discussion spaces for the public on social and philanthropic issues through various seminars, public discussions, and digital platforms. Thus, the community is not only a recipient of information, but also involved in voicing solutions to existing social problems.

7. Making the Important Things Interesting and Relevant

Dompet Dhuafa uses a creative approach in conveying social issues in order to reach more people. For example, through a campaign themed “Millennials Build Schools,” they managed to invite the younger generation to understand the importance of zakat in an interesting way and in accordance with current digital trends. Or, in today’s digital era, Dompet Dhuafa has a donation platform that comes to hand, namely through the DD Apps application.

8. Proportionality and Comprehensiveness

The reports published by Dompet Dhuafa are always balanced, emphasize facts, and are not excessive. In the annual financial report, Dompet Dhuafa in detail presents income and expenses with clear proportions, so that donors can understand the real impact of their contributions.

9. Listening to Conscience

As an institution born from journalism, Dompet Dhuafa instills the values of integrity and social responsibility in every program. Conscience becomes the foundation in determining priorities, such as when deciding to respond to natural disasters quickly, without waiting for the number of donations to come in first.

Dompet Dhuafa and Prophetic Journalism

In addition to the nine elements of journalism above, Dompet Dhuafa also reflects the concept of Prophetic Journalism introduced by Parni Hadi, one of the founders of Dompet Dhuafa. This concept refers to journalism based on prophetic values, namely Siddiq (truth), Amanah (trustworthy), Tabligh (preaching), and Fathonah (intelligent). Prophetic Journalism is not just about conveying information, but also carrying moral messages and encouraging better social change.

Thus, Dompet Dhuafa is not only a philanthropic organization, but also an extension of the spirit of journalism that serves the community. On this National Press Day, it reminds us that true journalism is not just about reporting, but also about how information can move goodness and social change for the better.

1. Siddiq

Dompet Dhuafa upholds the principle of truth in every activity and information dissemination. Transparency in financial reports and program implementation is a form of commitment to this value.

2. Amanah

Trust from the community is the main thing for Dompet Dhuafa. Therefore, every fund collected from donors is managed professionally and on target so that the benefits are truly felt by the rightful recipients.

3. Tabligh

Dompet Dhuafa is active in disseminating information about the social conditions of underprivileged communities and invites the public to participate in acts of kindness. Various media platforms are used to voice humanitarian issues.

4. Fathonah

In carrying out its mission, Dompet Dhuafa not only distributes aid, but also conducts in-depth analysis of social problems in order to create sustainable and innovative solutions.

As an organization founded by members of the press, Dompet Dhuafa is committed to practicing journalistic principles in its humanitarian work, ensuring that every action taken is based on ethics, transparency, and the public interest above all else. Just as journalism aims to provide light for the community, Dompet Dhuafa is also present as a light for those in need. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Riza Muthohar

Editor: Dhika Prabowo