Dompet Dhuafa’s health movement is an increase in health degrees through the transformation of services that encourage healthy behavior, social capital involvement, and the initiation of sustainable and measurable programs as a holistic model of the world health movement. The free health services benefit distribution map comprises 11 regions, 61 healthy posts, and seven healthy outlets spread throughout Indonesia.
Dompet Dhuafa’s health programs and services are Health Emergency Response (Respon Darurat Kesehatan/RDK), Disaster Alert, Total Community-Friendly Sanitation, Regional Health Program, Family Healthy Garden, Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health Network, Floating Ambulance, Healthy Indonesian Children, TB partnership, Corona Block Village, and Pos Sehat.
Health Emergency Response (RDK)
Health Emergency Response (RDK) is a quick response health services program for individuals and communities who need access and health insurance. This program includes Dhuafa Emergency Hotline, Health Member Healthy Visits, Individual Health Emergency Response, Disaster Health Emergency Response, and Dhuafa Health Insurance Advocacy. The RDK program has a flow and system of health emergency response services. To become a member, participants ought to pass the mustahiq eligibility verification.
Palliative Care Support for Mustahiq (Palliacare)
Palliative Care Support for Mustahiq (Palliacare) is a comprehensive multidisciplinary service with an approach to improving the quality of life of patients and families who face advanced/terminal phase health problems. Through early identification, thorough, careful study, pain management, wound care, and others on an ongoing basis both physically, psychosocially, and spiritually.
The services provided include Ambulance Transport Services, Shelter Home Services, Patient Home Care and Home Visits, Health Volunteer Engagement, Patient Referral Service Assistance, and Patient Spiritual Guidance.
Mobile Posyandu (Integrated Health Services)
It is an innovative program to monitor the nutritional status of pregnant women, babies, and toddlers during the Covid-19 pandemic, in an attempt to prevent maternal deaths, save babies and children and avoid stunting in low-income families and communities affected by covid 19. This program involves stakeholders from the health agency, community health services (Puskesmas), integrated health services (Posyandu) volunteers, Covid task forces, and village officials at the RW/RT level. Follow-up on nutritional problems is carried out with assistance in the form of nutrition posts by experts periodically and sustainably.
Mobile Health Services
It is a mobile health service that reaches people who cannot access health services, both individuals and specific communities. The Mobile Health Service coverage is carried out in everyday situations or disasters, areas far from health service facilities, or where the majority of people are dhuafa. The types of services provided include doctor’s examination, health screening, detection of NCD risk factors, and health promotion.
Health Outlets
Gerai Sehat (Health Outlets) are health facilities equivalent to independent practice doctors or primary clinics that are UHC access for the poor, especially those who do not have health insurance or BPJS. Services provided at healthy outlets include primary health services, counseling, health information, education, mustahiq health mapping, assistance and advocacy for dhuafa health insurance, and Second Level Health Centre (PPK2) admission assistance.
Indonesia Healthy Island
Indonesia Healthy Island is an archipelago-based healthy regions assistance program that reaches 3T (Remote, Outermost, and Isolated) areas to accomplish indicators for improving health degrees. The indicators are particularly maternal and toddler health indicators, stunting elimination, eradication of infectious diseases, prevention of non-communicable diseases, community-based total sanitation, and spiritual and mental health towards healthy, productive, and empowered areas.
Floating Ambulance
The Floating ambulance is a free examination and medical activity aiming to reach health services for coastal communities who have difficulty accessing healthcare facilities to puskesmas. This floating clinic or ambulance is stationed at several areas, i.e., Cemara Beach (the working area of the Jembatan Kembar health center/Puskesman), Gresak, Teluk Gok, Telaga Lupi, Gili Gede Indah Village, Gili Asahan, and Bangko Bangko (Pelangan health center work area).
Nutrition for Children
Nutrition for domestic children is a program to prevent and alleviate nutritional problems in pregnant women and toddlers to avoid stunting events in the dhuafa community. This program focuses on the first 1000 days of life, including prevention and management of anemia and chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women, including screening, pregnancy monitoring, supplementary feeding, FE tablets, breastfeeding counseling, education on breast milk sideline food, food assistance for toddlers, and growth and development monitoring.
The Maternal and Child Health Network
The Maternal and Child Health Network (JKIA) program aims to support the reduction of maternal and child mortality, return to breast milk movement, and increase knowledge and awareness of family nutrition and understanding of childbirth among health workers. Strengthening this program is carried out by training of maternal and child health cadres, utilization of the SNGI information system in recording and reporting MCH for maternal health monitoring, cadre assistance in Posyandu services, and classes for pregnant women (education, pregnancy exercises, anemia checks, and Iron nutrient (Fe) supplements).
Saving Next Generation Initiative (SNGI)
Saving Next Generation Initiative (SNGI) is a program focusing on reducing stunting by improving the health status of mothers and children in the first 1000 days of life (HPK) based on the SNGI technology information system. An application is used to collect health data for pregnant women and monitor the development of conditions during pregnancy in the SNGI Dompet Dhuafa program.
One of this program’s benefits is: collecting and tracking the development during pregnancy, identifying and detecting early deviations in conditions during pregnancy, and providing recommendations for prevention or early treatment following the identified problems.
SEHATI Villages
Sanitation Healthy Village (SEHATI) pillar I (Stop Open Defecation) is a program aiming to break the chain of disease increase caused by poor sanitation and access to clean water by initiating clean and healthy living behaviors in the target area of the dhuafa community. In addition, this program aims to change the behavior of community groups from initially Open defecation to non-BABS (closed defecation) with their own motivation and efforts.
Reproduction Health
This program aims to improve teenagers’ literacy on gender equality and reproductive health issues and how to respond to them in achieving SDG’s five goals; gender equality and women’s empowerment. The focus of this program is the initiation of peer counselors for empowered PUS in the community, forming adolescent peer counselors, assembling the reproductive health care community, increasing adolescent knowledge related to reproductive health, and raising PUS about reproductive health.
Healthy Indonesian Children
This program aims to improve the growth and development status of elementary school children through strengthening school control, the community, and the government by reducing the rate of anemia and acariasis in children of primary school age and activating school health business activities in disadvantaged areas. This program focuses on personal health screening, handling health issues, e.g., anemia, disability, dental & oral health problems, optimizing school health units (UKS), empowering the UKS governing and executive team, and involving parents and stakeholders in overcoming health problems in school-age children.
Corona Block Village
This program focuses on RW/Village-based standby areas or areas that involve community participation in maintaining health, preventing, and managing events, and preventing the broader impact of the pandemic. Corona Block Village also breaks the chain of Covid-19 spread by creating a local covid task force, monitoring covid risk data, providing education and awareness of health protocols, providing community assistance for health problems and building food security, and empowering local potential and resources.
Food Security
This program assists family and community food sources in utilizing the available resources and land around them, creating community independence for quality food sources. The program is family-based and communal to develop principles: educational, easy, inexpensive, beneficial, and independent. This food security program uses strategies, e.g., training, provision of seeds, livestock/planting media, fertilizers and incentives, mentoring and monitoring, and collaboration with various parties.
Health Posts
Health Post is a community-based health business that collaborates with community elements through a partnership system. The program focuses on reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which is currently increasing. With these conditions, this program comes with a promotive, preventive nature with activities in the form of counseling, healthy gymnastics, empowerment, and social service treatment around mosques, ta’lim assemblies, Islamic boarding schools, schools, Baitul Maal, and the community in general.