Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is a call to honor orphans

Tausiah Ustazah Aah Nurul Muhibbah sebagai penutup pada peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad Saw di Masjid Atta'awun Puncak, Bogor.

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Yaa nabii salaam ‘alaika, Yaa Rasool salaam ‘alaika. Yaa habiib salaam ‘alaika, sholawaatullaah ‘alaika. Ashroqol badruu’alainaa, fakhtafat minhul buduuru.Mitsla husnik maa ro-ainaa, qotthu yaa wajhas-suruuri. Anta shamsun anta badrun, anta nuurun fauqo nuurin. Anta iksiirun wa ghaalii, anta mishbaahush-shuduuri. The sound of chanting praise (mahalul qiyam) to the Prophet echoed in the ceiling of the Atta’awun Mosque, Puncak, Bogor in commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

That morning, Tuesday (10/22/2024), hundreds of worshippers gathered to fill the two floors of the Atta’awun Mosque. They were present for the Tabligh Akbar Commemorating the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw organized by Dompet Dhuafa and the DKM of the Atta’awun Mosque.

Hundreds of worshippers filled the Atta’awun Puncak Mosque, Cisarua, Bogor, during the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday on Tuesday (20/10/2024).
Hundreds of worshippers filled the Atta’awun Puncak Mosque, Cisarua, Bogor, during the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday on Tuesday (20/10/2024).

The commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is an important momentum in self-reflection. Maulid Nabi is not only a celebration of history, but also a call from the heart to re-live the teachings and examples of life. The congregation is reminded to emulate the struggle and good values brought by the Prophet. As well as, strengthening brotherhood and strengthening faith in everyday life.

Strengthening brotherhood can be done by helping orphans. By sharing, we not only ease their burden, but also instill kindness in our hearts, as the Prophet exemplified.

Read also: History of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, its origin and development

Ahmad Faqih Syarafaddin as General Manager of ZIS Collection of Dompet Dhuafa.
One of the pilgrims visits the Health Post by Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Services.

In HR Imam Bukhari, one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, it is explained that the position of people who glorify, support, and love orphans, will get heaven which is as far away as the index finger and middle finger.

Through this Maulid Nabi Muhammad Saw activity, Dompet Dhuafa aims to invite all congregations to ease the burden on orphans through an orphan empowerment program which will later be distributed to orphans around the Atta’awun Mosque.

“Alhamdulillah, today there has been cooperation between the Dhuafa wallet and the DKM of the Atta’awun Mosque, Puncak, Bogor. Today’s activities that take place are the Commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, as well as the activities of the National Santri Day. We initiated an orphan compensation or empowerment program. So, today we are also raising donations from the congregation to be distributed to orphans around the Atta’awun Mosque. And later, God willing, there will also be year-end prayer activities in December, “said Ahmad Faqih Syarafaddin as General Manager of ZIS Collection Dompet Dhuafa.

The joy of the congregation during the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at Atta’awun Mosque, Puncak, Bogor.
A joint prayer at the Commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw at the Atta’awun Mosque in Puncak, Bogor, on Tuesday (20/10/2024).

Read also: Reflection on Prophet’s Birthday, Becoming People with Moral Social Empathy

Alhamdulillah, Dompet Dhuafa received a positive response from the congregation, besides providing a booth for donations, Dompet Dhuafa also provided a health service post from the Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Service, where the congregation who attended could get a free health check.

Previously, Dompet Dhuafa had collaborated with the Atta’awun Mosque DKM, namely through the mass circumcision program. Of course, the current collaboration was welcomed by the Chairman of the Atta’awun Mosque DKM, Ahmad Kosasih.

“Alhamdulillah, today we can work with Dompet Dhuafa in the context of the Commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Previously this was not the first time we worked together, for the Mass Circumcision program, so I was greatly helped by working with Dompet Dhuafa because Dompet Dhuafa is very well known and trustworthy in managing people’s funds. I think programs like this must be continued, and developed. Hopefully Attawun’s cooperation with Dompet Dhuafa can continue, “said Ahmad.

Dompet Dhuafa collects donations for orphan empowerment programs.
Tausiah by Ustazah Aah Nurul Muhibbah at the end of the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at the Atta’awun Mosque in Puncak, Bogor.

Read also: Commemorating the Prophet’s Birthday, Dompet Dhuafa Holds Grand Tabligh and Tattoo Removal at Class IIA Cilegon Prison

One of the congregants, Nunung from Majelis Ummu Khadijah, felt very grateful to be able to attend this event. In addition, Nunung has known Dompet Dhuafa for a long time, she is a foster parent of orphans who get assistance in the form of scholarships for education costs by Dompet Dhuafa.

“In fact, I feel called by the existence of the Prophet’s Maulid, because this is a sign of our love for the Prophet, one of which is loving orphans. Because of our love, even though we don’t know because of the mahabah, it is a sense of love until these elderly mothers want to give alms and spend time,” said Nunung.

The event was then closed with a tausiah by Ustazah Aah Nurul Muhibbah. The commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad Saw also coincides with the National Santri Day which is a moment to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad while appreciating the role of santri in maintaining and spreading Islamic values in Indonesia. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Anndini Dwi Putri
Editor: Ronna