Protect the Environment, Dompet Dhuafa Implements Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste at the Moment of Eid al-Adha 1444 H

Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik

CENTRAL JAVA — Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste is a movement that Dompet Dhuafa has successfully implemented in implementing the Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Program 1444 H. This movement aims to replace single-use plastic with more environmentally friendly packaging or packaging that is by the local wisdom of the local community for distributing sacrificial meat containers. This movement is also an effort of Dompet Dhuafa to protect the environment and preserve nature.

Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste is campaigned massively by all Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV) in Indonesia, one of which is in Central Java. On Thursday (29/6/2023) in Patas Village, Grobogan, Central Java. Many teak trees surround the village. For this reason, the distribution of sacrificial animals in this village was carried out using teak leaves.

“We introduce sacrifice without plastic waste to the residents here, where in the distribution of meat using besek and teak leaves which are more environmentally friendly and can be more guarded as well,” said Aini, DDV Central Java.

Also Read: Jalin Kolaborasi, Dompet Dhuafa dan Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Tebar Hewan Kurban ke Pelosok

Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
DD Volunteer Solo prepares its teak leaves used as wrappers in Pare Village, Wonogiri on Friday (1/7/23).
Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
Patas Village, Grobogan residents help serve sacrificial meat with environmentally friendly containers on Thursday (29/6/23).

The distribution of sacrificial meat without plastic is also very important for the environment because it will reduce plastic waste that is difficult to decompose. Besek, in addition to being an environmentally friendly container, its use can also make the meat more durable.

“Hopefully, we can educate more people about sorting plastic waste wisely, one of which is with this Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste campaign,” concluded Aini. 

Previously, at the THK Dompet Dhuafa 2023 Public Discussion, Wednesday (21/6/2023), Ujang Solihin Sidik as Head of Sub-Directorate of Producer Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) said that the government had also appealed to the public to celebrate Eid al-Adha without plastic waste.

Also Read: Hanya Makan Daging Setahun Sekali, Tebar Hewan Kurban Dompet Dhuafa Bahagiakan Masyarakat Sukabumi

“The government has also ordered us to reduce plastic waste. So as much as possible, I urge residents to use teak leaves, because there are also many here,” explained Padas Village Head to the Dompet Dhuafa Team, on Thursday (29/6/2023). 

Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
Residents of Patas Village, Grobogan help serve sacrificial meat with environmentally friendly containers on Thursday (29/6/23).
Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
Share the sacrifice with the “Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste” campaign in Pare Village, Wonogiri, on Friday (1/7/23).

Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste also took place in other areas, such as in Pare Village, Selogiri, Wonogiri on Friday (30/6/2023) and Mojorejo Village, Karangmalang, Sragen on Saturday (1/7/2023). Still using teak leaves and besek to accommodate sacrificial meat to be distributed, the residents also helped volunteers distribute meat in more environmentally friendly containers.

Naura, one of DDV Solo also shared her experience during the THK 1444 H moment, “I happened to have the opportunity to distribute in Pare Village, Selogiri, Wonogiri. It’s really exciting here, because it is directly involved in helping residents in meat cutting, packaging, and distribution. An unforgettable experience because we were warmly welcomed by local residents and felt firsthand the smiles of the residents’ laughter when we gave them packages of Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste,” said Naura.

“There are many teak leaves here, Mbak, please just pick them if the container is lacking,” said Ruswanto, Head of Pare Village, Selogiri, Wonogiri when inviting the Dompet Dhuafa Team in charge of distributing sacrificial meat in the area.

Also Read: Hari Raya Kurban 1444 H, Dai Pemberdaya Dompet Dhuafa Bagikan Sedekah Daging ke Desa Terpecil di Grobogan

Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
Share the sacrifice with the “Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste” campaign in Pare Village, Wonogiri on Friday (1/7/23).
Dompet Dhuafa Terapkan Kurban Asik Tanpa Sampah Plastik
One of the beneficiaries in Pare Village, Wonogiri on Friday (1/7/23).

The Fun Sacrifice Without Plastic Waste movement is also expected to motivate the wider community and other institutions to reduce plastic waste by replacing environmentally friendly packaging based on local wisdom as sustainable sacrificial meat packaging. (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia Ramadhani)