Proven Successful in Empowering Underprivileged Students, UIN Salatiga Extends Cooperation for Container Canteen Program with Dompet Dhuafa

Penandatanganan nota kerja sama Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Tengah dan UIN Salatiga

SALATIGA, CENTRAL JAVA – After collaborating for 6 years with the State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga, Dompet Dhuafa Central Java has renewed its collaboration for the Container Canteen Program to advance education in the Salatiga region, on Thursday (12/10/2023). On this occasion, there was a signing of a memorandum of cooperation between Dompet Dhuafa Jateng and UIN Salatiga at the KH Hasyim Asyari Building, Campus III, UIN Salatiga.

The collaboration involves the Container Canteen Program of Dompet Dhuafa, which officially started at UIN Salatiga in 2017. Through this educational scholarship program, Dompet Dhuafa focuses on building economic and social independence for underprivileged communities. The concept of the Container Canteen is to empower financially challenged students to manage the canteens provided by Dompet Dhuafa. The profits from these canteens are then handed over to the students managing them.

Penandatanganan nota kerja sama Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Tengah dan UIN Salatiga

Penandatanganan nota kerja sama Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Tengah dan UIN Salatiga

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Apart from the Branch Head of Dompet Dhuafa Central Java, Zaini Tafrikan, the signing was also attended by the Rector of UIN Salatiga, Prof. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy, Rector of UNIGIRI Bojonegoro, Jauharul Ma’arif, Acting Mayor of Salatiga, Sinoeng Noegroho, who also collaborates with UIN Salatiga.

In his speech, the Rector of UIN Salatiga expressed that the collaborations formed between UIN Salatiga and various stakeholders represent a form of mutual assistance with the aim of advancing education.

“This collaboration is a form of ta’awun/mutual assistance between educational institutions, the government, and philanthropic institutions to advance education,” said Prof. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy.

Penandatanganan nota kerja sama Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Tengah dan UIN Salatiga
Branch Head of Dompet Dhuafa Central Java, Zaini Tafrikan

Furthermore, Prof. Zakiyuddin also stated that UIN Salatiga is ready to support the vision of making Salatiga a city of education.

“Salatiga’s label as a city of education is also a motivation for us to develop. We have started to open various programs in the fields of science and technology. In addition, we will soon open a dormitory for students. All these are a commitment to support Salatiga’s label as a city of education,” he continued.

Prof. Zakiyuddin mentioned that the collaboration between UIN Salatiga and Dompet Dhuafa over the past six years has successfully empowered financially challenged students with the determination to complete their studies.

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kantin Kontainer Dompet Dhuafa
Ahmad Busro Mustofa, a student of UIN Salatiga Container Canteen Manager, when serving food to customers

“To improve services for students, we are always open to collaborations with various parties. Today, we are extending the collaboration that has been established with Dompet Dhuafa since 2016. This cooperation is related to the Container Canteen Program that has successfully empowered financially challenged students,” he explained.

The Rector of UIN Salatiga hopes that the cooperation that has been well-established will not just become sleeping documents, “There must be real results and actions from the cooperation agreed upon today.”

Container Canteen of Dompet Dhuafa at UIN Salatiga

A similar hope was expressed by the Head of Dompet Dhuafa Central Java Branch, Zaini Tafrikan.

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“The collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa and UIN Salatiga has been running for more than five years. Hopefully, in the future, we can weave more beneficial collaborations for the community,” said Zaini. (Dompet Dhuafa/Central Java/Ronna)