CIANJUR, WEST JAVA – Collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa, the brand owner of Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang and Bolu Susu Lembang, PT. Agrinesia Raya, distributed 1,500 portions of ready-to-eat food for earthquake survivors in Cianjur on Monday (26/12/2022). The aid was part of PT. Agrinesia Raya’s donation which was distributed for the Cianjur earthquake response phase. Meanwhile, some other donations would be distributed for the recovery phase through Dompet Dhuafa.
Through the Public Kitchen of LPM (Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat) and Disaster Management Center (DMC), as well as Dompet Dhuafa West Java, the aid was distributed sporadically to evacuation posts.
“Alhamdulillah, with the help of volunteers, we were able to cook 1,500 portions of food from PT. Agrinesia to together encourage survivors in Cianjur,” concluded Asep as coordinator of the LPM Dompet Dhuafa Public Kitchen.
By considering the need for the right nutritional intake, Dompet Dhuafa presents a menu that is no less interesting. Some of them are rice, meat, vegetables, as well as fruits. Starting from children, teenagers, adults to the elderly are the beneficiaries of the aid distributed by PT. Agrinesia Raya and Dompet Dhuafa.
“Helping all our brothers and sisters in Cianjur with various backgrounds and age levels is our commitment in providing services to Cianjur earthquake survivors. On that basis, we would like to thank PT. Agrinesia Raya who has done collaboration of goodness with us. Hopefully this can be a good charity for us and PT. Agrinesia Raya to always strive in the path of kindness,” explained Akbar Saddam as Plt. General Manager Resource Hub DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
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Using a tactical fleet, the food aid packages were able to reach quickly and efficiently to Cianjur earthquake survivors. For example, some of the beneficiary locations are in Kampung Cipetir, Ciwalen Village; Kampung Babakan Gasol, Mekarsari Village, Kampung Pasirmanggu, Wangunjaya Village; Kampung Nanggelang, Nagrak Village; and Kampung Panumbangan, Cibulakan Village.
“With the results of the assessment of DMC Dompet Dhuafa volunteers, we distribute aid to the right parties according to the target. On that basis, we get the appropriate or unreached fully places by other collaborators. This is a form of collaboration with other humanitarian activists and donors of PT. Agrinesia Raya in the world of humanity. Thank you for the efforts of PT. Agrinesia Raya in helping to meet the needs of earthquake survivors in Cianjur,” concluded Shofa Qudus as General Manager Disaster Risk Reduction DMC Dompet Dhuafa. (Dompet Dhuafa / AFP DMC / Dhika)