SOUTH TANGERANG — The Ministry of Home Affairs released the latest data on Indonesia’s population in 2022. It was stated that on June 30, 2022 or Semester I of 2022, the total population of Indonesia was recorded at 275,361,267 people. With this large population, Indonesia is believed to have no shortage of good people.
One of them is PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) Paiton Generating Unit, which is still cooperating with the Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC) in helping survivors affected by the disaster to lift the health and welfare of the survivors.
PT PJB Paiton Generating Unit and DMC Dompet Dhuafa also provide various emergency response services in several areas. Currently, DMC Dompet Dhuafa is intensifying emergency response services in flood emergency response situations in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi and Pacitan Regency, East Java.
“As a form of a company that cares about every aspect of life, PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) Paiton Generating Unit through collaboration with DMC Dompet Dhuafa strives to be present and participate in supporting communities affected by disasters,” explained Agus Prastyo Utomo as General Manager of PT. PJB Paiton Generating Unit, on Thursday (10/11/2022).
The public kitchens were located in Pure Hamlet, Sinyonyoi Village, Kalukku Subdistrict, Mamuju Regency, Batang Barana Hamlet and Salukaha Hamlet, Sondoang Village, Kalukku Subdistrict, and on Jl Lombang-lombang Beach, Sinyonyoi Village, Kalukku Subdistrict. A total of 550 people were helped through this Public Kitchen service.
“Thank you for the help of PJB and DMC Dompet Dhuafa, the food is useful for us and our families,” said one of the beneficiaries.
Then the Public Kitchen was also opened on Jl. Borobudur Temple, Sidoharjo Village, Pacitan District, Pacitan Regency. This public kitchen is able to benefit 250 people.
In addition to opening a Public Kitchen, this collaboration led to a school building renovation program by repainting the walls of schools in need. This program targets 2 (two) places, namely MTS Mandala Nusantara, Sondoang Village, Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency and MTS GUPPI Pogalan, Kedunglurah Village, Pogalan District, Trenggalek Regency.
Based on the assessment results of the Dompet Dhuafa DMC team, MTS Mandala Nusantara deserves assistance because this MTS is a free school that accommodates many underprivileged students. Meanwhile, MTS Guppi Pogalan was chosen because the condition of the school room was getting old so it was not suitable to support teaching and learning conditions.
The school has applied for assistance to related parties but has not been granted and the school was hit by a flood. Through this program, 220 people consisting of students and teachers are helped to carry out teaching and learning activities safely and peacefully.
Most recently, this collaboration helped 100 children with the Dompet Dhuafa Evacuation Post. In this evacuation post, as many as 100 children received Psychological First Aid (PFA) services and snacks. The children looked very happy when the Dompet Dhuafa team invited them to play and relieve fatigue due to the floods that inundated their area.
“This is a continued collaboration between PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Paiton Generating Unit and DMC Dompet Dhuafa. We are very grateful that there are still many good friends who care about those whose lives are disrupted or affected by the impact of natural disasters. That the spirit of humanity always exists and will continue to exist as long as this is passed on and introduced to future generations. DMC Dompet Dhuafa would like to thank PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Paiton Generating Unit for the collaboration,” explained Haryo Mojopahit as Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Celebrates 60th HKN with Education & Free Health Services in Ogan Komering Ulu
Previously, PT PJB Paiton Generating Unit and DMC Dompet Dhuafa have also presented good collaborations in the field of disaster management. Just to name a few examples ranging from basic food assistance for earthquake survivors in the Philippines, opening a free Health Service Action in Tasikmalaya after floods and landslides, as well as in Lumajang, the place of concentration of the Semeru hot cloud evacuation (APG).
In addition, this collaboration was able to hold a disaster mitigation socialization in Sidomulyo Village, Ngadirojo District, Pacitan Regency. Then build disaster-prone signs such as evacuation routes, gathering points, and temporary shelters at safe points from the eruption of Mount Merapi. (Dompet Dhuafa / DMC / AFP)