JAKARTA — Dompet Dhuafa (DD) is a national amil zakat institution and nadzir waqf that is engaged in empowering people and humanity. Its empowerment rolls through the management of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah and Waqf (Ziswaf) funds, as well as other social funds that are managed in a modern and trustworthy manner. In its management, it puts forward the concept of compassion or love as the root of the philanthropic movement that puts forward five pillars of the programme, namely Health, Education, Economy, Social, and Da’wah and Culture.
✅Vision and Mission of Dompet Dhuafa
The realisation of a just and prosperous society
- Optimising the use of zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf (ZISWAF) to empower the dhuafa (poor) to be free from the shackles of poverty.
- Conducting defence and services to encourage justice-based community transformation.
- Realising quality and sustainable services, defence and empowerment that have an impact on sustainable community independence.
- Realising organisational sustainability through good governance in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance as well as compliance with Sharia principles and the development of information and communication technology.
✅Dompet Dhuafa Legal Entity
DD in its activities is officially recorded with the following legality:
- AKTA YAYASAN No. 41 dated 14 September 1994, State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 163/A.YAY.HKM/1996/PNJAKSEL
- SOCIAL FOUNDATION REGISTRATION MARK NO. 3/10.2/ dated 27/09/2017 – 27/09/2022
- CERTIFICATE OF NAZHIR WAKAF ASET dated 11/02/2020 – 11/02/2025
- CERTIFICATE OF NAZHIR WAKAF MONEY 3.3.00100 dated 11/02/2020 – 11/02/2025
- KMA NO. 527 YEAR 2021 As a National Scale Amil Zakat Institution dated 28/04/2021
✅Dompet Dhuafa Governance
DD in its organisational governance applies Good Corporate Governance and Good Risk Management standards which are closely monitored by the Board of Trustees, Supervisory Board, Sharia Supervisory Board, and also receive direction from the Board of Experts. Every activity carried out by DD everywhere can be accounted for transparently. This can be seen in our Financial Statements and Annual Reports published on the web: publication.dompetdhuafa.org.
✅ DD Collection Pattern
DD always educates and raises funds for zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf and other caring funds. DD invites community participation to jointly assist services to the poor and poverty alleviation through thematic fundraising. So, Dompet Dhuafa collects all forms of resources, whether fresh money, in-kind or volunteerism in various forms such as energy, ideas, expertise, work. Then also facilitates sympathisers who support in terms of fundraising such as Key Opinion Leaders, communities, Public Figures, charity partners. In addition, presenting counter services, banks, to cooperation with e-commerce that makes donating easy and close.
Receiving donations will be accompanied by data verification to ensure that the kindness funds from the community are recorded correctly and according to their specialisation. Notifications are also sent automatically to donors, either via text message or email. Donors are also given the convenience to view the history of donations they have made, as well as download consolidated donation reports as tax-deductible attachments.
✅Distribution Pattern
The distribution of programme funds is carried out in a measured manner with a very comprehensive method. This is to ensure that prospective program beneficiaries are right on target and appropriate (Fast, Careful, Precise, Efficient, Helpful, Dignified). The assessment pattern carried out by the Dompet Dhuafa Assessor in the field applies the beneficiary verification method according to the standards set by the Sharia Supervisory Board as the main guide. By prioritising the 3T (Disadvantaged, Outermost, Poorest) areas as areas of distribution and development of long-term impact programmes (Sustainability Programmes).
✅Supervision of Institutional Activities
As a trusted philanthropic institution, DD always applies multiple layers of supervision in every activity. The large variety of activities requires DD to carry out a tiered audit process in each programme that is run. This is intended so that the programmes are right on target, effective, and avoid negative potential.
The supervision process carried out by DD consists of:
- Internal Audit
- Financial Audit by the Public Accounting Firm
- Sharia Audit by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
✅Who Can Cooperate in Both Fundraising and Distribution?
For fundraising and distribution, anyone can cooperate or collaborate with Dompet Dhuafa. The independence and neutrality of the institution is one of the important points in Dompet Dhuafa’s humanitarian work. So, Dompet Dhuafa also does not take sides with one religious group, SARA, and of course non-political.
✅Why is the Audit Process Long?
The external audit process takes time in examining financial records for each mechanism. This is because the auditor is quite detailed in examining DD’s financial statements. DD separates between LAZ reports and Waqf Nadzir reports.
Dompet Dhuafa is managed specifically by following the provisions in PSAK (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards). Provisions in accordance with PSAK 109 for governance as an Amil Zakat Institution, and PSAK 112 for governance as a Waqf Nazir.
The auditor also needs to ensure that the nadzir report and amil report are in accordance with PSAK.
✅About Costs
As for the operational costs of the institution, alhamdulillah, in DD it does not exceed the limits of the provisions set by the Sharia fatwa. Whereas in every organisation, an administrative structure is needed as its operational completeness, and every position holder in the organisation deserves compensation for the competence and professionalism it provides. DD, has set very strict compensation and benefit standards for its employees.
Referring to the institutional rules regulated by the Foundation Law, Perbaznas, and Ministry of Religion Regulations, that the institution’s rights are determined based on the Quranic verse of 1/8 or 12.5% as amil rights. This figure is used for all our operations, which consist of: Transport, Communication, Stationery, Electricity, PAM, Banking Transaction Expenses, Building Rent, Amil Capacity Building and Salaries.
Specifically regarding salaries, their nature is privileged, private and confidential with figures determined and decided based on the decision of the Board of Trustees and Sharia Supervisors. And it should also be noted, that the Board at DD does not get salary compensation or incentives, they are people who are committed to donating themselves, property, time, energy, thoughts and competence for the benefit of the people through Dompet Dhuafa.