Ramadan Goals: Level Up and Become a New Person

Level Up Ramadan, Ramadan Goals

JAKARTA — The theme ‘Ramadan Closer’ which was promoted by Dompet Dhuafa in 1445 Hijriah was not just a slogan. In his remarks at the ‘Intimate Gathering & Iftar, Level Up Ramadan The NEW Me’ event at Menara 165 South Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024), Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Board said that #RamadanMendekatkan is part of Dompet Dhuafa interpreting something to get closer to Allah Swt, mustahik, and muzaki.

‘Being part of Dompet Dhuafa means something to get closer to the Creator in maintaining the mandate for and to the mustahik, this is the main factor Dompet Dhuafa was born. Not long ago I was in Karawaci in the Belanja Bareng Yatim Dhuafa distribution programme, witnessing deaf children performing a dance with saman music. We who watched shed tears watching that. This is an example of bringing us closer,’ he explained.

A hadroh performance by students of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School opens the Level Up Ramadan event ‘The New Me’ at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Recitation of the Holy Qur’an by students of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School during the opening of Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Chair of the YDDR Board, Ahmad Juwaini gives a speech to all invited guests at the Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).

‘Of course this is also our part to get closer to the muzaki, Dompet Dhuafa’s partners. A little story, a few years ago there was a child who we gave a Dompet Dhuafa scholarship. What amazes me now is that he gave zakat in this Ramadan, the amount is greater than the salary of the CEO of a state bank in Indonesia. This is also our report that there are many other surprising stories. So your presence is something very special,’ said Ahmad Juwaini.

Read also: Ramadan Gathering brings Heroes of Kindness closer together

The gathering was also complemented by free health checks, Ziswaf donation booths, Dompet Dhuafa economic empowerment product booths, as well as support booths from Bank Syariah Indonesia and Trainer Academy. ‘Intimate Gathering & Iftar, Level Up Ramadan The NEW Me’ was enthusiastically hosted by Dini Andromeda and Wahid. It was opened with Amilkustik performance, hadroh by the students of SMART Ekselensia School. They also recited Qur’anic verses and sari tilawah, after the speech given by Ahmad Juwaini. Then the students continued reading poetry, and also gave flowers to the invited guest donors who were present.

YDDR Executive Secretary, Etika Setiawanti (third right) YDDR Executive Chairperson, gives souvenirs to representatives of donors of Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ invitation guests at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Free health service booth during Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Dompet Dhuafa’s economic empowerment product booth at the Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Dompet Dhuafa’s economic empowerment product booth at the Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).

Touched by this, Lena, one of Dompet Dhuafa’s donors who received flowers from SMART Ekselensia students, immediately took a photo of the flowers given and shared the emotion she felt on her personal social media.

‘Oh my God, it melts to get flowers from SMART Ekselensia children. Thanks to zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf, they can go to high school to reach their dreams,’ said Lena, emotionally.

SMART Ekselensia students recite poems during the Level Up Ramadan event ‘The New Me’ at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
The moment one of the invited guest donors, Lena, shared an emotional story after receiving flowers from SMART Ekselensia students as a sign of gratitude for the benefits of the donation given.

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The series of events before breaking the fast together that afternoon was more meaningful. The presence of Jamil Azzaini, Motivator and CEO of Kubik Leadership, brought a lot of ‘meat’ to enjoy and interpret the true meaning of Ramadan. According to Jamil, people who successfully enjoy Ramadan are those who get forgiveness (busy repenting), their degrees are getting nobler (more piety), and get a lot of blessings (the ability to enjoy life). Ramadan is a month of forgiveness, honour, and blessings.

‘Then, how do we become a new person after Ramadan? The new me? Activate and maximise the three human elements during fasting: mind, body, and heart. Instil in your mind that when you fast and work, you will be more productive, look at the victory of the Battle of Badr. The body must also be mindful eating, focused, and single tasking. Pay attention to your diet and make sense of the food you eat, the way you eat it and the type of food you eat. Digestion is the second brain for the body, 80 per cent of diseases originate from digestion,’ said Jamil, straightforwardly.

Invited guests donate zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf at Dompet Dhuafa’s Donation Service Counter during the Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Trainer Academy’s booth during Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).

‘Well, this, heart, heart, heart or also called qalbu. Raise the level of fasting in three levels. The lay level only restrains hunger and thirst, the pro level restrains hunger, thirst, and does not commit sins, the legendary level restrains hunger, thirst, does not commit sins, plus releases attachments other than Allah. What is that? Possessions and ego. The lay level breaks the fast at the Maghrib call to prayer, but the pro level and above never actually break the fast. Because sinning and letting go of ego have no time limit. Maximise these three, then we will, Insha Allah, become The New Me after Ramadan,’ concluded Jamil.

The time was getting closer to breaking the fast. Invited guests took the time to write on sheets of paper an impression and message for Dompet Dhuafa. Closing the series, Dompet Dhuafa’s Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) also provided reinforcement regarding the meaning of zakat, sadaqah, infaq, and waqf. The series continued with breaking the fast and Maghrib prayers in congregation, and closed with hospitality and group photos.

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The moment the invited guest donors write messages and impressions for Dompet Dhuafa on a sheet of paper that has been provided.
Dompet Dhuafa’s Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) also provided material about ZISWAF to all invited guests at the Level Up Ramadan ‘The New Me’ event at Menara 165 Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2024).
Etika Setiawanti (second left) and Rina Fatimah, Chairperson of Ramadan 1445 H Dompet Dhuafa (second right), took a selfie with the host and invited donor representatives.

Yes, Ramadan Closer means a lot to all of us. Whatever our efforts, prayers, donations and help, it means a lot. Not only for the mustahik, but also beneficial for us, as well as an effort to get closer to the Creator. Let us come together for them through Dompet Dhuafa’s Ramadan programmes. Through the convenience of Dompet Dhuafa’s services via Dompet Dhuafa Donation Service Outlets at several shopping centres in the Jabodetabek area. You can also easily distribute these kindnesses through digital.dompetdhuafa.org or on devices by downloading the Dompet Dhuafa application or DD Apps. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text & Photo: Dhika Prabowo & Riza Muthohar
Editor: Dedi Fadlil