GUNUNG KIDUL, YOGYAKARTA — Mrs. Jainem (71), an elderly beneficiary and widow, was immediately moved by the arrival of Mr. Jarwo and Dompet Dhuafa who distributed Ramadan Parcels for her. Full of emotion, she poured out her heart and thanked the donor for the gift.
“Not long ago, my late husband had an accident with a tree and had to be treated at a high cost. We couldn’t afford it. I live here with my children, grandchildren, and my daughter’s husband. He works as a vermicelli noodle maker,” she told Mr. Jarwo.
“Alhamdulillah, I received a lot of groceries this Ramadan. Thank you very much because now everything is expensive. Let it be a reward for all of you,” Jainem admitted, smiling emotionally.
Read also: Paijah grateful for Ramadan parcels to fulfil food needs at home
In addition to the elderly, Mr. Jarwo and Dompet Dhuafa also distributed Ramadan Parcels to widows, orphans, farm laborers, honorary teachers and the poor around Katongan Village, Nglipar, Gunung Kidul, on Wednesday (20/3/2024).
Together with Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta’s entourage, that day Mr. Jarwo participated in the Grebek Kampung Ramadan 1445 H Program there. Musicians and Dompet Dhuafa’s entourage also brought “offerings” in the form of farming products from Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta’s Zakat Management Partner (MPZ), namely KyBar Tani Mandiri for food that will be processed together by Katongan villagers as a menu to break the fast together.
Read also: Ramadan Parcels Help Families’ Food Needs in Blessed Month
Yes, during the month of Ramadan, Grebek Kampung is one of Dompet Dhuafa’s efforts to maximize collaboration. In it, there are also a variety of holistic activities ranging from Tebar Zakat Fitrah (TZF), distribution of Ramadan Parcels for orphans and honorary teachers, Sharing Breaking the Fast Together and Religious Studies held on the agenda. This series of events made the beneficiaries, program drivers, and partners get to know each other better under the big theme #RamadanMendekatkan.
“Grebek Kampung this time, together and enlivened by a variety of activities, one of which is the performance of musician Mr. Jarwo and the host of the culinary show Cerita Rasa Kompas TV, Benu Buloe. The presence of Grebek Kampung is expected to encourage and increase public literacy about the benefits of Ziswaf fund management. Because proper Ziswaf management will foster an MSME-based empowerment economy and da’wah in an effort to equalize community welfare, “said Muhammad Zahron as Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and Photo: Dhika Prabowo
Editor: Dedi Fadlil