Ready for Disaster Preparedness in Urban Areas, Dompet Dhuafa Trains Online Taxi Bike Drivers to Face Disasters


JAKARTA — On Monday (10/04/2023), Disaster Management Center (DMC) Dompet Dhuafa shares education with hundreds of online taxi bike transportation drivers to prepare to face disasters in urban areas.

Through the Group and Community Based Urban Disaster Management (UDM) program, hundreds of online taxi bike drivers were given training on the basics of disaster management, the basics of first aid, fire disaster preparedness (early warning systems, including extinguishing light fires with fire extinguishers or other household appliances, and evacuation).

DMC Dompet Dhuafa trains hundreds of online taxi bikers in North Jakarta, South Jakarta, and Depok.



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“A lot of useful knowledge was gained. Hopefully (the disaster) we don’t experience in the real world. Only, there are so many benefits (from this training), at least for us personally, family, neighbours or anyone in need while on the streets,” added one of the online taxi bike drivers on the sidelines of the training.

UDM is an urban disaster management program of DMC Dompet Dhuafa that focuses on disaster preparedness for communities, groups or communities and other vulnerable groups. The program also focuses on tackling health crises and day-to-day emergencies.

“The purpose of UDM is to identify and map the potential of urban communities or communities, build urban communities that are responsive and resilient to disasters, and especially in densely populated and low-income areas.”

“Then also to empower communities and other vulnerable groups, and their companions for first aid in tackling disasters,” explained Ahmad Lukman as Humanitarian Academy Manager DMC Dompet Dhuafa.



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According to the National Disaster Management Agency, there have been 810 natural disasters in Indonesia in the last three months. That is, in one day there were nine natural disaster events. As a result, two million people suffered and were displaced, 180 people were injured, 118 people died, and 6 people disappeared.

According to The World Risk Index in 2021, Indonesia is ranked 38th out of 181 countries most vulnerable to disasters. Rajib Shaw, one of the expert professors in disaster management, stated that according to a survey conducted by the Kobe City Government, 97 percent of residents survived because individuals and communities had the capacity about disaster management during the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in 1995.

The Indonesian National Police noted that the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia reached 152.51 million units as of December 31, 2022. A total of 126.99 million units or 83.27 percent of them are motorcycles. Compared to Indonesia’s population of 273.52 million people, around 46 per cent are motorcycle riders.


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Thus, DMC Dompet Dhuafa invites two-wheeled vehicle drivers always to be ready to face disasters starting from online taxi bike drivers. Online taxi bike drivers are also a strategic position to volunteer for disaster management in urban areas. With many drivers available and their mobility in moving, it is the right target to participate in UDM DMC Dompet Dhuafa.

In addition, in a survey by the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) in August-September 2022 in the Greater Jakarta area, Bandung, Palembang, Bali, and Yogyakarta, as many as 82 percent of 2,310 respondents used online transportation services. In fact, as many as 56 percent said they would still use online transportation services even though they could not get discounts/promos.

So with so many consumers of online transportation services above, it is also a potential and opportunity for online motorcycle taxi drivers to share knowledge when they want to do their work. This adds to the number of souls who benefit from the disaster management knowledge and insights that online taxi bike drivers have learned. (Dompet Dhuafa/DMC)