Reflection on 30 Years of Spreading Qurbani Animals in Madina Zone

Refleksi 30 Tahun Program Tebar Hewan Kurban

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Qurbani potential is very unevenly distributed and reflects the acute income disparity between different regions in Indonesia. In order for qurbani to reach the poorest, reforms in its management are needed. This is important for the equitable distribution of benefits to all levels of society, thus making Eid al-Adha a symbol of solidarity and social justice.

On Eid al-Adha 1445 AH, Monday (17/06/2024), in Zona Madina, Parung, Bogor, West Java, Dompet Dhuafa held the Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) program. This activity helped strengthen the relationship between donors, stakeholders, and beneficiaries. Also present at the event were Armie Robie as Director of Zona Madina Dompet Dhuafa, Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Executive Board, and Parni Hadi as the Initiator and Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Board of Trustees.

Armie Robie as Director of Zona Madina Dompet Dhuafa reported that the qurbani report was brought closer to Zona Madina.
Acceptance of sacrificial animals from qurbani partners to Armie Robie as Director of Zona Madina Dompet Dhuafa.

“Tebar Hewan Kurban DD 1445 H in the Madina zone area this year, we received a mandate of 59 sheep / goats (doka), and 1 cow from collaborative partners of kindness. We distributed the victims to beneficiaries in this area and outside the core area of the Madina zone, including the poor, dhuafa, orphans, elderly mothers, widows, grave diggers, janitors, scavengers, MSME partners, mushola managers, taklim assemblies, Islamic boarding schools and local residents. With a total of 995 beneficiaries of fresh meat and 100 Eid al-Adha rice box packages,” said Armie.

Based on a study by the Institute for Demographic and Poverty Studies (IDEAS), the economic potential of qurbani in Indonesia is projected to reach IDR 28.2 trillion by 2024. This projection increased by 15.1% compared to the previous year which was estimated at IDR 24.5 trillion.

Read also: Eid al-Adha in the Land of Shaam becomes more meaningful with the THK Program

“Since 1994, Dompet Dhuafa has spread the goodness of qurbani throughout Indonesia and the world. The THK program has become a solution to the animal protein deficit that occurs in underdeveloped, frontier, outermost (3T) areas in Indonesia. This program is not only limited to distributing qurbani meat, but also involves local farmers in its distribution. Dompet Dhuafa implements the principle of Kurban 3 Pasti: Certainly Male, Certainly Passed Quality Control, and Certainly Distribution to Remote Areas of the Country. THK provides three main benefits: first, benefits for qurbani performers; second, direct benefits in the form of qurbani meat for people who have never tasted meat; and third, hope for local farmers. Through this program, farmers can harvest their livestock, so that they can improve their economy and move the wheels of their lives to become one of the pillars in Philanthropreneurship which combines the concepts of philanthropy and entrepreneurship,” explained Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Executive Board.

Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Executive Board gave a speech on the goodness of qurbani.
Symbolically, the Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Executive Board gave the THK 1445 H benefits to the recipients.

On the other hand, the THK program also runs the livestock business and its derivatives to bring profit, growth, sustainability and blessings to poor farmers. That way, this effort can break the livestock cartels for the realization of institutional independence through the implementation of a livestock business and its derivatives that are profitable, growing, sustainable, and blessed. THK, which pioneered qurbani distribution, will continue to innovate through the livestock industry. Thus, the collection and benefits that Dompet Dhuafa has done continue to grow and be useful.

Parni Hadi as the Initiator and Chairperson of the Dompet Dhuafa Board of Trustees conveyed the benefits of THK Dompet Dhuafa.

At the reflection of Tebar Hewan Kurban 1445 H, Parni Hadi as the Initiator and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa said, the first sacrifice is to get closer to Allah. Slaughtering animals means struggle and sacrifice. Without it, it is difficult for people to get close to Allah.

Second, to bring fellow humans closer. Qurbani is also a form of human willingness to sacrifice their property for the sake of the path of Allah, which is done to defend and help the poor, especially the poor and needy.

Third, it brings us closer to nature. The distribution of qurbani meat without plastic is also very important for the environment because it will reduce plastic waste that is difficult to decompose. Besek, in addition to being an environmentally friendly container, can also make the meat last longer.

Text and photo: Fatzry Boim
Editor: Riza Muthohar