BOGOR, WEST JAVA — There are at least three responses to change. First victim, second mediocre, and third victor. Some people will feel aggrieved by the change. People in this group will continue to blame the change, and/or the people involved in it. Others will try to adapt to all circumstances and changes. This second response is probably what most people do in the face of any change. However, very few people respond in the third way. Namely victors, who are able to see opportunities, then take advantage, to become winners.
On the occasion of the Sharing Session with the alumni of the Leadership Enrichment and Acceleration Program (LEAP), Thursday (24/4/2024), at the Dompet Dhuafa Human Development Institute (LPI), Bogor, Jamil Azzaini explained tips for becoming a victor of change. The CEO of Kubik Leadership and Noble Success Inspirator said, to become a winner, one must have 4G. What is that?
First, greatness. Every winner must have great things in life that they aim for, dream of, and are willing to fight for. In this case, Jamil emphasized the existence of The Law of Projection, or in spiritual language is “Allah as his servant’s prejudice”. The illustration is simple, when the appearance of a presentation on a slide show, a laptop or computer is like a human brain, while the images/visuals on the screen projection displayed are real life. So when the visuals on the laptop change, the screen projection also changes. Likewise, when a person’s mind is changed, the reality of their life also changes.
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“It turns out that our lives are determined by our thoughts. And one of the thoughts that need to be instilled is ideals. Then the question is ‘What was I born for? And so that what?’. If it is firmly planted and realized, then that is the impact of The Law of Projection,” explained Jamil.
Jamil also emphasized that life in this world is a bridge to life after this world. Moreover, humans are actually spiritual beings who are on a professional journey.
Second, growth mindset, not fixed mindset. That is a mindset that continues to grow. There are at least four things that winners must have in this case. They are always accepting new lessons, not complaining, learning new skills until they become experts, and learning from successful people.
Third, grit. That is fighting power, or perseverance and enthusiasm to achieve goals for the long term. The proof is in four things, namely by knowing one’s potential, then becoming an expert in that field, being resilient, and continuing to remember Allah by turning fatigue into lillah.
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Fourth, great community. To be a winner, you must also associate with people who think like winners. It will be difficult to be a winner if the people around him are losers. It will be difficult to be a victor if the people around him have a victim mentality. To choose a good environment or community, it can be seen from 3 Tif, namely positive, productive, and contributive.
That is the 4G that needs to be owned by future leaders, as Dompet Dhuafa LEAP alumni, as Dompet Dhuafa people who have a leadership spirit. The existence of this opportunity to strengthen future leaders to remain relevant in the various dynamics of change that occur in every era.
“If you want to stay relevant and become a victor, then practice this 4G,” Jamil said, emphasizing again at the end of his session.
In addition, the Manager of Human Resources Development (SDI) and Dompet Dhuafa Organization, Widodo said, after completing each stage of the LEAP program, of course Dompet Dhuafa will continue to ensure that future leaders are truly able to show their best performance. Therefore, forums like this will continue to be held.
In line with that, GM SDI and General Dompet Dhuafa, Asep Sapaat, reminded that in life, changes will definitely occur. Future leaders must be able to take the best position, namely as victors, as explained by Jamil Azzaini.
“As LEAP alumni who have gone through various leadership development and improvement processes. It is fitting to be able to respond to every problem and dynamic wisely like the leaders of the institution. Being a leader does not mean occupying a certain position or position, but having a mindset and actions like a leader,” he said.
There were at least 30 future leaders who attended offline on this occasion, while a dozen others followed online due to distance constraints. Through the LEAP Program, they have successfully completed six months of training and mentoring activities with expert mentors.
By collaborating with Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ) as the implementing agency, LEAP is a Dompet Dhuafa program in preparing future cadres of institutional leaders by increasing the ability of people at the supervisor level. This effort is so that one day they, the future leaders, are able to carry out their roles and prepare themselves for higher managerial positions. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text: Riza Muthohar
Photo: SDI Dompet Dhuafa
Editor: Dhika Prabowo