MEDAN, NORTH SUMATRA – In the context of the Cultural Parade of Students for Climate, thousands of youths and students conducted a long march from Lapangan Asrama Haji Medan to the Trans-Sumatra road. This parade, organized by Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV), Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah (IPM), and My Green Leaders, took place on Friday, August 18, 2023.
Ahmad Luthfi Hasibuan, the Coordinator of DDV Sumatra Utara, emphasized the importance of involving various parties in addressing the climate crisis. DDV called on Indonesian youth to be more aware of environmental issues, especially the problem of waste pollution affecting the Earth.
“We, as volunteers from Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer, realize that the climate crisis is a shared responsibility. Therefore, we call on Indonesian youth to be more concerned about the environmental issues around us, especially the heaps of waste that are polluting the Earth. Because the matter of the Earth is not just about ‘ME’ or ‘YOU,’ but it is about ‘US’ who must jointly care for and preserve it,” Luthfi exclaimed.
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Meanwhile, Kholida Annisa, Chair of the Environmental Affairs Division of PP IPM, revealed that, besides preserving local culture, the parade aimed to educate all road users about the Earth’s current stage of climate crisis.
The students called for immediate climate action with posters bearing slogans such as “Indonesian Students Protect the Earth and Save the Environment,” “Push for Climate-Friendly Leaders,” “The Earth is Our Place of Worship,” “Protecting the Earth is Part of Our Faith,” and more.
“The students also urge the government to pay attention to climate issues, which are a shared responsibility. They also invite all other students to be actively involved in balancing the environment,” said Kholida, who also serves as the Initiator of My Green Leaders and coordinator of this student action.
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Dompet Dhuafa and IPM, through My Green Leader, also supported the Faiths for Climate Change campaign, an annual campaign by Greenfaith worldwide. National Coordinator of Greenfaith Indonesia, Hening Parlan, emphasized that students need to care about the climate crisis because students are the future leaders of the nation. Therefore, those who are currently in high school or college will be the leaders of the future.
This activity is expected to convey a message to all students and young people to understand what is happening now regarding the environment, governance, Indonesia’s actual situation, including its history and why Indonesia has been built to be 78 years old.
“Dompet Dhuafa and IPM encourage them not only because they act critically about what is happening, but they are also aware and understand, and then they know what they have to do,” he said.
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Hening Parlan, who currently also serves as the Director of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah, believes that in the future, students who are knowledgeable and concerned about the climate crisis will continue to care about the places where they contribute.
“For example, if they want to become entrepreneurs, then they will become green entrepreneurs. If they understand how vast natural resources are and that they must be preserved, then they will understand that someone who invests should not extract natural resources,” he said.
He also encouraged students to use their abilities to interact and communicate, for example, using social media to voice the opinions of young people so that they can be heard. They should also be diligent in learning more about climate change issues.
This action is a starting point, especially as the community is approaching the elections. Of course, young people can begin to consider their choices for leaders or encourage them to have a perspective on the environment. Future leaders, both in the executive and legislative branches, must be able to provide information on climate and climate crisis and how they are anticipating it. (Dompet Dhuafa/DDV/MUthohar)