BOGOR, WEST JAVA — As a form of strengthening external networks to improve TB case finding and management, Dompet Dhuafa’s Rumah Sehat Terpadu (RST) Hospital invited all Heads of Puskesmas and the Bogor Regency Health Office to participate in the socialization of programs to support TB elimination 2030, Monday (22/07/2024).
The President Director of RST, dr. Muhamad Zakaria, in his speech said that the TB eradication program is in line with what Dompet Dhuafa has done, namely promotive, preventive, and curative. The meeting, which took place in the Qatar Charity Building Hall of RST, was a collaborative program with the General Health Development Assembly of PP Muhammadiyah and US AID. To the stakeholders present, Zakaria invited them to strengthen the health ecosystem, especially in tackling TB.
“Indeed, the dynamics in the field are different, but with strengthening and socialization, there is a chance to increase the TB program indicators in the Health Office again,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Yeni Purnamasari as Dompet Dhuafa’s Technical Officer explained that since June 2024, RST has collaborated with the Mentari TB Program of MPKU Muhammadiyah with US AID. This program was socialized to all heads of puskesmas and health offices in Bogor Regency.
Read also: World TB Day Commemoration Series, Dompet Dhuafa Holds TB Exhibition for School Children
“This is a priority national program in Indonesia, we Dompet Dhuafa support government programs,” said Yeni.
There are four pillars in this TB eradication program, the first pillar is focused on case finding through screening in the Emergency Room and Rajal. Second, diagnosis enforcement that requires referral to the TCM lab. Third, comprehensive treatment and assistance. The last is increasing the recovery rate of TB cases.
Yeni said that the efforts made by a hospital need to be sustainable to support government programs in terms of referrals and logistical availability as well as the role of the community and Puskesmas. The key is integrated, integrated, collaboration to find, cure and treat TB patients.
According to Aan Setiawan, Deputy TB Assessor of the Bogor District Health Office, the TB eradication program in Bogor District is a challenge due to its large population. Currently, there are 141 Puskesmas, 6 government hospitals, 25 private hospitals, 103 clinics, all of which have made an MOU for the TB eradication program. However, of all of them, there are only 26 health facilities that have TCM spread across 5 hospitals and 21 Puskesmas.
Read also: World TB Day Commemoration Series, Dompet Dhuafa Holds TB Exhibition for School Children
Regarding the finding of TB cases, Aan said that the discovery of suspected TB in 2024 until June was 39,543 people. While the discovery of TB cases until June 2024 was 12,708.
“The point is, there is an increase every year and the cases encountered are primary drug-resistant TB cases. This is dangerous,” he said.
Specifically for child TB cases in 2022 to 2023 there was an increase in cases from 4002 people to 4545 people. Meanwhile, in June 2024 there were 1789 people. Meanwhile, the success rate of healing in the middle of 2024 was only 71 percent. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text: RST, Riza Muthohar
Photo: RST
Editor: Dhika Prabowo