Sacrifice Day 1444 H, Dai Pemberdaya Dompet Dhuafa Distributes Meat Alms to Terpecil Village in Grobogan

sedekah daging dompet dhuafa di grobogan

GROBOGAN, CENTRAL JAVA — Right on the Feast of Sacrifice, Thursday (29/06/2023), Dai Pemberdaya Cordofa distributed meat alms through cow sacrifices (kurban sapi). According to Ustaz Awang Risuha as PIC of National Da’wah Dompet Dhuafa, meat alms is alms in the form of meat given in conjunction with the moment of the Feast of Sacrifice.

“Meat alms is essentially a moment for us to share with all communities around or, specifically, for those in need,” explained Ustaz Awang. 

This is made possible by sacrifices from institutions for the people through Dai in all corners of the country, both Dai Pemberdaya and through orphan and duafa Islamic boarding schools spread throughout the archipelago. Through this alms of meat, it is hoped that it can bring piety and faith in Allah Almighty closer.

Also Read: Tebar Hewan Kurban dari Pesisir Hingga Wilayah Pegunungan, Dompet Dhuafa Jangkau 13.840 Penerima Manfaat

sedekah daging dompet dhuafa di grobogan
Sacrificial cow Dai Empowerment Cordofa.
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Cow slaughter by Ustaz Nur Cholis, Dai Pemberdaya Desa Patas, Grobogan, Central Java on Thursday (29/6/2023) afternoon.

“At the moment of Eid al-Ladha, meat alms is also a must because the slaughter of sacrificial animals is taking place. Allah Almighty reminds us in surah Al-Hajj verse 37 that the flesh (sacrificial animal) and its blood will never reach Allah, but what reaches Him is your piety,” said Ustaz Awang.

The sacrificial cow for meat alms from Dai Pemberdaya Dompet Dhuafa was then distributed to 150 families in Patas Village, Grobogan Regency, Central Java. According to Ustaz Nur Cholis as Dai Pemberdaya Cordofa local area, later this meat alms will be given to underprivileged residents.

“Alhamdulillah, this year we got one sacrificial animal (hewan kurban) from the central Dompet Dhuafa. For distribution we target those who are outermost, remote, and left behind. So hopefully they can enjoy beef through this meat alms,” explained Ustaz Nur.

Also Read: Sambangi Desa Minoritas, Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban di Timor Leste

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Sacrificial cow Dai Empowerment Cordofa.
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Sacrificial meat ready for distribution from slaughtered cows.

Of course, from every moment there must be certain expectations, as well as what Ustaz Awang said.

“Hopefully, they can be grateful for the presence of Dompet Dhuafa and they are looking forward to it, because Dompet Dhuafa combs all lines and corners of society. It will also be an important basis that the trust is conveyed to the rightful. Dompet Dhuafa also invites all levels of society from the mustahik group to continue to be independent and endeavour, empowered so that later they can also become a muzaki,” explained Ustaz Awang.

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One of the beneficiaries of Dompet Dhuafa Sacrificial Animal Stocking (THK) in Patas Village, Grobogan Regency, Central Java. 

That gratitude is of course, also felt by the beneficiaries of meat alms from Cordofa.

“Alhamdulillah, in addition to getting mutton, today you also get beef, because on normal days, there has never been a lot of meat like this. Hopefully, it will be a blessing,” said one of the beneficiaries of sacrificial meat, Mbok Pinah, to the Dompet Dhuafa Team on Thursday (29/6/2023). (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia Ramadhani)