NORTH SUMATRA — The distribution of donations to earthquake victims in Turkiye is still rolling. In the fundraising action, SDIT Zahra Asy Syifa Patumbak I Deli Serdang school distributed donations for Turkiye earthquake victims through Dompet Dhuafa Waspada, on Thursday (2/3/2023).
This fundraising by the students was carried out not without reasons. Principal of SDIT Zahra Asy Syifa Patumbak, Ayu Sinta Ramadani explained that this activity aimed to build empathy since early age.
“This activity is able to build the children’s empathy as well as learn that in our sustenance there is also the sustenance of others,” she said.
She then continued that her students needed to be taught about concern for their fellow Muslims. With this, the students learned that the sense of concern is not only to the brothers and sisters in the homeland, or those who are near them, but also our fellow Muslims who need help.
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Not stopping there, Ayu also wanted her students to be able to understand the teachings of Islam, habluminannas (the relationship between humans to humans).
“Through this activity also, our children are taught that in Islam, the relationship that is maintained is not only to the creator but also to fellow human beings,” she continued.
From the fundraising carried out by SDIT Zahra Asy Syifa, the funds which were raised was Rp7,033,000. This fundraising was fully supported by the SDIT Zahra Asy Syifa Foundation.
Regarding the distribution of this donation, Fundcom Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waspada, Hajrul Azhari Ritonga expressed his gratitude for the trust in Dompet Dhuafa Waspada.
“Previously, we had indeed established a good relationship with the school in terms of partnering, this time again we cooperate in terms of distributing donations,” he said.
Hajrul hopes that what SDIT Zahra Asy Syifa is doing can become an inspiration for other schools. “Like the fundraising goal conveyed by the principal earlier, it was very good. Hopefully this activity can inspire other schools,” concluded Hajrul. (Dompet Dhuafa/Waspada/Firda Syukri/Muthohar)