Series of Ramadan Fasting Wisdom: Degrees Raised, Muffled Emergencies


“By saying the name of Allah the Most Merciful again Most Merciful,” this sentence is certainly familiar to Muslims because it is always an opening for our every activity, wherever it is. The phrase basmalah as a beginning signifies that out of His 99 asthmatics, love and affection is the first and foremost things God has always given to man.

The Wisdom of Ramadan Fasting

Allah’s affection is also various, one of which is the commandments and prohibitions given by Allah Swt to His people. Even His great affection, every commandment and prohibition also contains wisdom or benefits for those who obey it, including the commandment of Ramadan Fasting. Check out a series of Ramadan fasting lessons Muslims can feel below.

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Fasting Cures Body and Mental Illnesses

There have been many scientific studies that state that fasting can improve physical or outward health. Start from losing weight (Mulai dari menurunkan berat badan), nourishing the heart to reducing the risk of cancer in the body. Even with fasting, mental health is awake, since fasting helps lower stress hormones or cortisol levels and stimulates the appearance of good endorphin hormones to relieve anxiety.

From the mental side, we know that we refrain from lust when fasting. In addition, we also increase worship of Allah Swt through practices that only exist during Ramadan. If we do these things sincerely and only hope for His ridha, our minds will also be closer to Him.

The man was created from clay as a symbol of humiliation but also consisted of spirits blown by Allah Swt. So if a man is more dominant in the influence of clay, he will tend to do low and contemptible. However, if the spirit is more dominant, it will achieve high glory. This is by the word of Allah Swt in the Quran which reads:

Also Read: Inilah Sebaran Penerima Manfaat Ramadan 1443 H Dompet Dhuafa

“We have certainly created man in the best of stature. Then We return him to the lowest of the low (hell). Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds.” (QS. At-Tin: 4-6)

Fasting Dampens the Turmoil of Lust

Lust becomes one of the enemies that is difficult for humans to conquer. The turmoil of lust cannot infrequently encourage a person to commit immorality. At this time, promiscuity tends to be normalized, even though this behavior can trigger infectious diseases that harm humans.

In this case, fasting can be a therapy to stem the turmoil of lust including lust and control it. The Prophet Saw mentions this in a hadith in which he encouraged young men who have not been able to marry too fast as a therapy.

“O young man, whoever of you has the ability, get married immediately, for marriage can subdue the gaze and nourish the. And whoever is not yet able to marry, fast, for fasting will be a stronghold for him.” (HR Muttafaq Alaih)

Also Read: 5 Manfaat Bulan Ramadan yang Muslim Wajib Ketahui


Fasting Cultivates Patience

By fasting, a person can cultivate patience. Not only is he patient, but he can also train his tenacity and persistence to achieve things. Because there is no way a person can achieve something if there is no great will in him. A person can’t achieve his ideals without great patience to achieve them. It is also impossible for a person to achieve well without the patience to be able to abandon ugliness and immorality.

Fasting Gives Rise to Compassion

During fasting, Muslims are trained to feel what the poor and poor feel. Fasting is an important lesson for us to be able to feel how hungry and thirsty at a certain time is very uncomfortable, especially for those who are in need and have to endure hunger and thirst every day? For this reason, Ibn Al-Humam, an imam from Egypt said that by fasting a person would feel how painful hunger and thirst are, so at that time he was honing affection and affection for the poor.

Fasting Increases Gratitude

In addition to bringing up feelings of affection, fasting can also hone gratitude, because a person will feel the preciousness of the gifts and favors given by Him. When hunger and thirst bother a person who is fasting, it is then that he also feels how precious it is to eat and drink. Because, a favor will taste more precious when the favor is revoked.

Also Read: Manfaat Sedekah Ramadan dan Dampaknya Bagi Seorang Muslim

Fasting Purifies the Soul

Ramadan is a place to purify the soul. People who can practice fasting by deepening it, keeping the worship that God commands, will feel more at ease. According to Rabithah Alawiyah Chairman Habib Zein bin Umar Smith, the sanctity of the soul comes from a clean heart and fasting is one of the means to purify the soul.

“Fasting is one of the means to purify the soul with practices that a servant and Allah Almighty only know,” said Habib Zein quoted from

Fasting Elevates the Degree of Man

The final wisdom of Ramadan fasting is to elevate man’s degree to true holiness. When fasting, man trains his organs and mind to abandon behavior that is not commendable while honing his piety.