SOUTH TANGERANG — “I have known Dompet Dhuafa for a long time, when I was in college. I am very grateful that this Ramadan I can be part of Dompet Dhuafa,” said Rani, one of the zakat fundraisers at the Dompet Dhuafa Service Office in Ciputat, South Tangerang, on Sunday (7/4/2024).
Amil zakat Dompet Dhuafa is the first job she has done since earning her bachelor’s degree. The Islamic Communication and Broadcasting graduate was also willing to carry out the mandate as the front guard until Takbiran night. He began his duties two days before Ramadan 1445 H, and was willing to be away from his family. However, he admitted that he did it all solemnly and gratefully.
Before joining Dompet Dhuafa, he admitted that he had been exposed to zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf (Ziswaf). But only the basics, that there is a right to a portion of their wealth for others. That wealth must be spent. Some are obligatory and some are sunnah.
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For three days, before fully taking on the role of frontline Ziswaf fundraisers for Dompet Dhuafa, Rani received in-depth and complex training on Ziswaf from Dompet Dhuafa. Additionally, precise and accurate calculations regarding zakat also had to be made.
“An in-depth and contemporary understanding of Ziswaf is essential for every Dompet Dhuafa fundraiser. They are the ones who directly interact with muzaki or donors. This allows them to guide and explain to the donors accurately in accordance with Islamic law,” explained Yudha Andilla, Retail Fundraising Manager of Dompet Dhuafa.
According to Rani, this task was her first experience in the field of philanthropic services. She admitted that she gained a lot of knowledge and experience. One thing that often moved her was when donors came and during the prayer, they still remembered their loved ones. They would ask Rani to include their names in the prayer.
“I am happy to interact with donors from diverse backgrounds. It motivates me to do more good and provide benefits to many people. The most touching moments are usually during prayers. The donors are so sincere and trusting in entrusting their funds to Dompet Dhuafa,” said Rani.
There is one story that left a lasting impression on Rani. A family consisting of a husband, wife, and child came to pay their zakat. The wife said that she really wanted to meet the founder of Dompet Dhuafa just to express her gratitude because the family had been helped by Dompet Dhuafa in the past.
“The mother shared that Dompet Dhuafa had helped her during the birth of her first child. At that time, she was in a very difficult situation. She was just starting a new family after getting married and was immediately blessed with a child, but they had nothing yet, just starting out. She said, ‘We applied for childbirth assistance from Dompet Dhuafa. Alhamdulillah, we were helped, and I vowed to continue giving zakat to Dompet Dhuafa from then on,'” Rani recounted, imitating the wife’s words.
Text and Photos: Riza Muthohar
Editor: Dhika Prabowo