JAKARTA – Tahu Gejrot Khans, an MSME player who is famous for his gejrot tofu products located in Serpong, South Tangerang, showed concrete action to support the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia by donating Rp1,000,000 (one million rupiah) to Dompet Dhuafa, Friday (27/12/2024).
As is known, the threat of a global recession has a real impact on the world economy. According to World Bank data, there is a slowdown in global economic growth from 5.7% in 2021 to 2.3% in 2023, as well as the threat of economic recession challenges in 2025 and beyond.
In the midst of the economic storm that has made many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) collapse, there is still hope that inspires. One of them comes from Tahu Gejrot Khans (Instagram @tahugejrotkhans), this small-scale old-school snack MSME proves that sharing in difficult times can actually be a way to survive and give meaning to blessings in business.
Tahu Gejrot Khans decided to set aside a small portion of its profits, for the MSME economic empowerment program channeled through Dompet Dhuafa. The donation was handed over at the Dompet Dhuafa Philanthropy Building by Yudha Andilla as the Owner of Tahu Gejrot Khans and received directly by Ahmad Faqih Syarafaddin, as General Manager of ZIS Collection Dompet Dhuafa.
Through the concept of purchase worth donation, every purchase transaction of Tahu Gejrot Khans customers automatically contribute as infaq or sadaqah. Part of the profit from sales is allocated for alms or donations, so customers contribute by shopping to buy Tahu Gejrot Khans.
“What we give is not big, but we believe that no matter how small we give, if done sincerely, it will have a big impact. This almsgiving is a form of our gratitude and hope that it will grow in the future, as well as so that other MSMEs can also get the same opportunity to rise by giving alms,” said Yudha Andilla enthusiastically.
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The support from Tahu Gejrot Khans is clear evidence that collaboration between businesses and social organizations can open doors to many new opportunities.
“We want to show that sharing does not have to wait for us to have a lot. A little given sincerely can be a great hope for others,” he added.
The story of Tahu Gejrot Khans is proof that in the midst of challenges, there is still room for kindness. With small sincere steps, Tahu Gejrot Khans is also expected to inspire many parties to move together.
“We really appreciate and thank Tahu Gejrot Khans for contributing to support the economic program. The spirit of sharing like this is our strength to support each other and help other MSMEs rise. Donations are also an inspiration for many parties to continue to share even in the midst of limitations,” said Utammi Sri Lestari as Dompet Dhuafa Partnership Manager.
The real action of Tahu Gejrot Khans is a reminder that each of us has the power to bring change. Together, we can get through difficult times by supporting and sharing. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Anndini Dwi Putri, Diana Rahma
Editor: Dhika