SLI Alumni Stories: Weaving Hope, Developing Literacy and Education

Cerita alumni Sekolah Literasi Indonesia (SLI) Great Edunesia

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — She is Deta Wijayanti, a true learner, who brings the spirit of literacy to remote and isolated areas. From North Kalimantan to Yogyakarta, her journey is full of dedication, struggle and hope that changes the world of education. Sekolah Literasi Indonesia (SLI) and GREAT Edunesia explore Deta’s inspiring story, trying to touch the magic when determination meets destiny.

Deta is a young woman whose heart is imprinted with the spirit of literacy and education. She has had this passion since she was in college. She has gone through a long journey filled with dedication and passion to give the best for the community. Since joining the first Kawan SLI Program, she has felt the bitter taste of struggle in remote Sebatik, North Kalimantan.

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However, that’s where the light of her passion shines. Through the program, Deta not only teaches, but also learns. Every child she mentors, every page she touches is a story of struggle, perseverance, and hope. Not only a teacher, but Deta is also a friend, mentor, and inspirer for the children who are part of her journey.

Deta’s journey led her to a new phase with Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta Branch. There, she found her true calling, which is to be an agent of change in the world of education. With ASPIRASI, she not only formed an association, but also a family. Principals and teachers are not just colleagues, but friends who support and strengthen each other.

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But in the midst of enthusiasm and hope, challenges always lurk. Literacy programs like SLI must continue, but support and sustainability are not always easy to maintain. This is the test for Deta and her colleagues at ASPIRASI. They must persevere, maintain the fire of enthusiasm, and ensure that every step taken is a step towards success.

Not just running the program, Deta also acts as a prime mover behind the scenes. She facilitates meetings, organizes trainings, and motivates each ASPIRASI member. For her, happiness is not just empty words. Happiness is when she sees the positive impact of her efforts, when she feels that every step she takes has a deep meaning for many people.

Every day is a struggle, but also a gift. Deta believes that through collective efforts, through unwavering passion, they will be able to create real change in the world of education. In the end, they will see the fruit of their hard work and dedication, which is the creation of a generation that is smart, knowledgeable, and full of enthusiasm to achieve their dreams. Apart from being an Alumni of Kawan SLI 1, Deta now also holds the mandate as Chairperson of the SLI Alumni Family and Gemari Baca (ALUSIA), as well as Education Staff of Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta Branch. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: GREAT Edunesia Education Alumni
Editor: Dhika Prabowo