Some Access Still Difficult to Reach After West Kotawaringin Floods

WEST KOTAWARINGIN, CENTRAL KALIMANTAN — Slowly, the floodwaters on Friday (4/11/2022) began to recede after floods hit parts of West Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, since last Friday (10/14/2022). However, 3 (three) weeks after the flood, some access is still difficult to reach there.

“Access to Trantang Village is still difficult to reach,” wrote a report from the Dompet Dhuafa team in the field, Friday (04/11/2022).

Responding to flooding in West Kotawaringin, Dompet Dhuafa through the Central Kalimantan Branch, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) team, the Emergency Health Response (RDK) team, participated in helping to deal with flood-affected survivors.

“Dompet Dhuafa will continue to work with local volunteers to help provide emergency response services to flood survivors in Central Kalimantan,” explained Haryo Mojopahit as Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa via text message.

Dompet Dhuafa opened 2 (two) Warm Post points in Kumpai Batu Atas Village and Karang Anyar Village. A total of 100 beneficiaries were helped through this Warm Post action. In addition, Dompet Dhuafa also helped distribute 58 personal kits for children.

Dompet Dhuafa also opened a Warm Post and COZI at Kumpai Batu Bawah Village Gor. As many as 140 people benefited from Corner Gizi (COZI), balanced nutrition education, and health consultations.

Data from the Central Kalimantan Province Disaster Management and Fire Fighting Agency (BPBPK), floods hit 8 (eight) districts, namely West Kotawaringin Regency, East Kotawaringin, Lamandau, Sukamara, Seruyan, Pulang Pisau, Katingan, and Palangkaraya City.

Dompet Dhuafa also invites the public to join the Indonesia Siap Siaga movement to help handle floods in West Kotawaringin. May the affected residents always be under the protection of Allah SWT and be given great fortitude for families or relatives affected by this disaster. Let’s realize Indonesia Resilient and Disaster Response. (Dompet Dhuafa / DMC)