SOUTH SUMATRA — As an effort to optimize the role of the elderly to become SMART (Healthy, Independent, Active, and Productive) and empowered elderly, Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra Free Health Service (LKC) held an AoC Cadre Training (Agent of Change). This activity lasted 4 (four) days, Tuesday – Friday (11-14/10/2022), in Prabumulih Regency and Palembang City. In this activity, health screening is also carried out for the elderly.
This training is the result of a KolaborAksi (collaboration) between LKC Dompet Dhuafa and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) in commemoration of National Elderly Day (HLUN). Previously, a similar activity had also been held at LKC-DD Central Java on Saturday (1/10/2022). Tri Hartati, the Head of LKC Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel Healthy Outlets, revealed that the success of this training was carried out with the support of several parties. Among them are the Prabumulih and Palembang City Governments, the Prabumulih and Palembang Health Offices, and 10 (ten) Puskesmas in Prabumulih and Palembang.
“A total of 10 (ten) puskesmas that have the opportunity to get a briefing on AoC and health screening for the elderly are Puskesmas Prabumulih Barat, Prabumulih Timur, Delinom and Sukajadi in Prabumulih Regency and Puskesmas 7 Ulu, Merdeka, Taman Baca, Nagaswidak and Puskesmas Pembina in Palembang City,” he said.
The AoC briefing includes Healthy Aging information, elderly health screening, and Plenary Assessment of Geriatric Patients/P3G screening (Pengkajian Paripurna Pasien Geriatri). A total of 30 participants were involved in the AoC debriefing this time. These participants were present from the elderly, pre-elderly, and community health centers (puskesmas). The provision of this material is expected to be able to carry out health screening for the elderly in each puskesmas plenary.
Dr. Astrina Yulda, Senior Advisor for the Elderly of Dompet Dhuafa, also explained that these elderly health AoCs are a provision to continue the Ministry of Health’s task of collecting and multiplying AoC in each city. “We all support, hoping that the Ministry of Health’s program to screen the health of the elderly with the P3G method in the future will be successful, achieving the target so that this program can be realized in other provinces,” continued dr. Astrina.
Furthermore, Arfansah SKM, M.Si., Head of Public Health of the Palembang City Health Office, explained that one of the indicators of the success of local governments is the human development index. The health sector’s benchmark in the human development index is life expectancy. The higher the life expectancy of people means the better human development. “Current condition in Palembang City is that there are elderly people over 60 years old, approximately 172,000 people. In 2021, only about 72% was covered, meaning that there are many more that we have but we don’t have enough time to do services according to standards,” said Arfansah.
Then Kusworo Nusidik, the Branch Leader of Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatera, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all parties who supported and were involved in this activity. This activity lasts 4 (four) days and can run smoothly and successfully.
“Thank you to the Ministry of Health and all parties in the regions, the South Sumatra provincial health office, the Prabumulih and Palembang city health agencies, and all parties which have succeeded in the P3G elderly and screening development program. We hope this program can continue and provide benefits for the elderly so that they become healthy, productive elderly and Insyaallah happy in their old age,” concluded Kusworo. (Dompet Dhuafa / DD South Sulawesi)