PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATRA – The South Sumatra youth alliance, consisting of various organizations including Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel, Sahabat Juang Indonesia, KAMMI Sumsel, FS LDK Sumsel, PII, HIMA PUI, and DD Volunteer Sumsel, came together in a Solidarity Action for Palestine. This event was held at Simpang 5 of the South Sumatra Provincial Council on Monday (16/10/2023).
Aryadi Ali Usman, a participant from Sahabat Juang Indonesia, articulated the aim of the event, which was to encourage the people of Palembang to offer their heartfelt prayers for those striving for Palestine’s independence.
“We call upon the people of Palembang to join us in sending our best prayers and to contribute donations to help ease the burden of civilians impacted by the conflict in Palestine,” Aryadi stated.
The solidarity action, which involved various community groups, featured speeches delivered alternately by representatives from each member of the alliance. A fundraising campaign for Palestine was also part of the event. The activities continued with performing Asr prayer together and the observance of salat gaib (absentee prayer) as an expression of support and prayer for Palestine’s independence.
Muhammad Iqbal, a member of the Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel team, detailed their support for the solidarity action. They provided an ambulance fleet and a health team for the event.
“Today, we unite in solidarity for Palestine. Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel contributes by providing a health team to support today’s activities,” Iqbal mentioned.
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“The funds raised during this event will be funneled through Dompet Dhuafa and will be allocated to humanitarian programs designed to assist the Palestinian community affected by the conflict,” he concluded.
This action embodies the spirit of solidarity and concern from diverse sectors of the South Sumatra community for the plight and struggle of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. United in their efforts, they aspire to positively contribute to the cause of Palestinian independence. (Dompet Dhuafa/South Sumatra/AHB)