Strengthening Disaster Management Capacity, KMP Dompet Dhuafa Holds Disaster Response Training for KMP and MPZ Regional Members

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

BOGOR — Indonesia’s geographical location in the path of the volcanic ring makes the potential for disaster very high. In fact, Indonesia is known as the “supermarket of disaster.” Dompet Dhuafa as a humanitarian organization that serves the welfare of the people, is also committed to always being present to help the community when disasters come. Not only focusing on post-disaster, Dompet Dhuafa also focuses on disaster management to provide protection to the community from threats, risks, and impacts caused by disasters.

For this reason, Dompet Dhuafa, through its strategic network, namely the Mitra Pengelola Zakat & Zona Layanan (MPZ-ZL) held a Disaster Response Training or Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) for members of the Kolaborasi Masjid Pemberdaya (KMP) and members of the Java and Sumatra Regional MPZ. The activity themed “United For Safety” was held in a hybrid manner, through Zoom and direct training at Telaga Saat Puncak, Bogor, from Thursday (13/7/2023) to Sunday (16/7/2023). 

TTB itself was held to strengthen the capacity of KMP and MPZ members for Java and Sumatra Regions in disaster management and accelerate assistance to victims. In addition, TTB participants this time were also attended by members of MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa Pusat, Dompet Dhuafa Banten, Dompet Dhuafa West Java and members of KMP Pusat.

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Also Read: DMC Kenalkan Program Kawasan Tanggap Bencana di Panggung Bulan PRB

On Thursday (13/7/2023), the Disaster Response Training was officially held. The symbolic embedding of participants’ marks was carried out as an opening to the training. The last four days, this training presented speakers from the Disaster Management Center (DMC) Dompet Dhuafa and involved instructors from the Basarnas Special Group.

This Disaster Response Training was led directly by Imam Al Faruq as Senior Officer of MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa. According to him, this activity is designed to increase capacity and prepare the ability of participants to reduce disaster risk.

“We designed this to know that for us to enter the disaster field it is not easy. The holding of this agenda is to provide training to get the essence of the training itself, namely capacity building skill improvement, and when a disaster occurs, it can really take a significant role. When facing disasters, that is our real goal,” Imam said in his speech.

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

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Various trainings provided include disaster management, postal management, logistics management, mitigation and climate change, basic triage and first aid, theory and practice of water rescue. On this occasion, the participants were directly involved in dealing with disasters.

In his speech, the chairman of the National KMP, Andi Juliandi, greatly appreciated the training the participants would follow. According to him, basic disaster management training is also very important in addition to fostering unity and unity because it aims to improve the competence of knowledge and skills in disaster management.

“Alhamdulillah KMP has begun to prepare great personnel who can be sent to the humanitarian field. This becomes something to be very proud of. Of course, this activity must produce great people who work together who can build strong teamwork to jump in disaster locations, “said Andy.

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Papua dan Pertamina Bekali Masyarakat Pelatihan Tanggap Bencana Kebakaran

“Tighten the ranks, strengthen teamwork, maintain solidity so that we become a strong team, and become the largest part of KMP ready to be deployed to disaster locations throughout Indonesia. Hopefully, this can be delivered to other mosque friends to help friends or institutions that can later duplicate activities like this, “Andy added.

The geographical location of MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa spread throughout Indonesia will be the front line in helping disaster victims in nearby locations. A national network of kindness that is always connected, with thousands of skilled volunteers who are always on standby, will become a new force in Indonesia’s disaster management world.

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

Training Tanggap Bencana (TTB) MPZ-ZL Dompet Dhuafa

The participants’ enthusiasm during the training, questions and answers and participation during the simulation also showed the participants’ curiosity about dealing with disaster threats. By uniting forces and connecting MPZ-ZL communication networks from Sabang to Merauke, disaster management will be more effective, faster, and precise. 

“Hopefully, this moment can scale up ourselves to become people who are devout and humanitarian people who can take the best role in times of disaster. 

When Allah gives the test, God willing, we will be better prepared,” concluded Imam. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)