Strengthening Healthy Area Program Implementation, LKC-DD Holds Training for LKC-DD Regional Heads throughout Indonesia

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — To strengthen the implementation of the Healthy Area Program spread across 12 points of Dompet Dhuafa’s Free Health Service (LKC) program throughout Indonesia, LKC-DD held a healthy area training entitled “No One Left Behind.”

The training was held for 4 (four) days, starting from Tuesday (25/10/22) to Friday (28/10/22), and took place in Bogor, West Java. The materials provided include community, empowerment, monitoring, evaluating, accountability and learning, then stakeholder mapping, stakeholder advocacy, joint stakeholder planning, then stunting prevention and management at 1000 HPK (First Day of Life), MP-ASI (Supporting Food-Breast Milk) menu and the concept of healthy areas and mental health.

 Furthermore, the participants who attended were the heads of LKC-DD spread across 12 regions and the person in charge of the healthy area program with 24 people. The LKC-DD distribution area is in Aceh, South Sumatra, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, and Papua.

Dentist Martina Tirta Sari as the Head of LKC-DD, said that this training was an opportunity to be able to review the programs that have been implemented by LKC-DD throughout Indonesia. According to him, through this activity, the participants can use it to learn more about the healthy area program and discuss it with expert speakers.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Strengthens Implementation of Healthy Area Program

“Alhamdulillah, this year, we can conduct training based on assessments conducted by the Central LKC-DD program team. Hopefully, this can be a reinforcement for all, not only the heads of LKC-DD in their respective regions but also friends as program managers,” said dentist Tata.

Dasril Guntara, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nice Indonesia, who acted as a speaker and delivered material on writing healthy programs, community, empowerment, monitoring, evaluating, accountability and learning expressed his appreciation for LKC-DD for collaborating to carry out training today.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Strengthens Implementation of Healthy Area Program

“I think this activity is a mandatory debriefing for those who are going to or are doing professional work for the community or community. In addition to making it useful, I hope that later the material presented can be carried out or implemented in daily activities and have an impact, not only for yourself but for the institution and also for the community as beneficiaries of the program,” said Dasril.

Furthermore, dr. Widarni, MARS, IBCLC who was the speaker of stunting prevention and management at 1000 HPK expressed the participants’ enthusiasm to look very good and hoped that this program would be better and provide benefits for the community.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Strengthens Implementation of Healthy Area Program

“Hopefully, this program can help the government eradicate the stunting program, considering that 1,000 HPK is very important for a country to build well. Building a good country is indeed from healthy children, their growth is good and their intelligence is helped when they are healthy,” said dr. Widarni.

Then, Eko Sriyanto said that the LKC-DD team already has good experience in the work areas in each region. That is a good capital for developing existing health programs in each region.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Kuatkan Implementasi Program Kawasan Sehat

“The challenges ahead need to be strengthened in the record, how then strengthen the form of documents or data, our best practices can be recorded properly and it becomes a force to improvise the organization much stronger with collaboration with much more sustainable impacts,” said Eko. (Dompet Dhuafa / LKC)