Take Your Little One on Homecoming, Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post Kids Corner Service is Ready to Entertain

Kids Corner Pos Mudik

CIREBON, WEST JAVA — The joy of travelers welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1445 H filled the Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post service located in the Cirebon Power Park Rest Area, Cirebon, West Java on Friday (5/4/2024). The travelers seemed to be resting from the long journey to the location from their respective homes. Some of them took the time to break their fast and have suhoor.

The person in charge of the Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post, Adi ‘Mallo’ Sumarna said that the Dompet Dhuafa Cirebon Post provides Free Motorcycle Service, Health Services, Massage Corner, Hair Shaving, and Kids Corner.

One of the beneficiaries is enjoying the Hair Shaving Service at the Dompet Dhuafa homecoming service post.
One of the beneficiaries is enjoying the Free Motorcycle Service at the Dompet Dhuafa homecoming service post.

The service post is on standby to serve travelers at dawn and breaking the fast. This is done so that every traveler who passes through the Cirebon Mudik Post can enjoy the facilities available.

Read also: Warm Post to Free Massage: Various Services in Banyuwangi Mudik Post

“The situation on the Pantura road is quite crowded and congested and travelers are dominated by two-wheeled users. Some of the travelers decided to rest at this Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post in Cirebon. Regarding facilities, we also provide this Family Tent for travelers who want to rest longer. We also provide free iftar and sahur together,” Adi said.

The situation of Kids Corner at the Dompet Dhuafa Cirebon homecoming service post on Friday (4/5/2024).

One of the beneficiaries who has small children was also happy for the presence of Kids Corner at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post. Because, boredom due to the long journey experienced by the child subsided while playing in Kids Corner.

“Alhamdulillah, the children are happy and not fussy here. Even while learning and playing. Very grateful here, “said one of the beneficiaries.

Read also: The post Free Homecoming and Returning Home: Easy and Quiet Homecoming, Happy Gathering

The situation at the Dompet Dhuafa Cirebon homecoming service post on Friday (4/5/2024).

As the sun began to rise, the number of travelers who stayed at the Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post gradually decreased and left the location to continue the long journey to their hometowns. (Dompet Dhuafa/DMC)

Text & Photo: Raksa, Hany Fatihah Ahmad
Editor: Dhika Prabowo