The Important Role of Mosques in the Spiritual Journey of Mualaf

Ilustrasi masjid untuk mualaf sebagai pusat dakwah dan pengajaran ilmu agama Islam

The history of waqf in Islam began during the Prophet’s time, with the construction of the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. This mosque was built after the Prophet Muhammad PBUH migrated from Makkah. He built the Prophet’s Mosque on the land he bought from two orphans. The land was then donated for the benefit of Muslims.

The Prophet’s Mosque is not only a place of worship, but also a center of social, political and educational activities for Muslims. This shows that from the beginning, the mosque had a multifunctional role for the Muslim community. No wonder the mosque plays a very important role in strengthening the creed, as well as a center of da’wah for converts or someone who is new to Islam.

The Role of the Mosque for Mualaf

  • Some important aspects of the mosque’s presence for converts include:

A place to build converts
The mosque becomes a gathering place for converts to encourage each other and share experiences. Here, they can find much-needed emotional and spiritual support in their new faith journey.

  • A center for da’wah

The mosque serves as a center for the spread of Islamic knowledge. Converts can learn about Islamic teachings in more depth through studies held at the mosque.

  • Active involvement of converts

Mosques provide opportunities for converts to be actively involved in religious and social activities. This helps them feel like an integral part of the Muslim community.

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The Story of Mualaf in Wabloi Village, Buru Island

Wabloi Mualaf Village is a clear example of how important the presence of a mosque is for the community of mualaf. Located in the Maluku islands, this village is inhabited by indigenous tribes who are still thick with animist beliefs.

But since 2012, this village has slowly but surely transformed into a village of mualaf. The light of Islam now shines on life in Wabloi Adat Village. However, there is still something missing, namely a mosque as a place of worship and Islamic activities.

The mosque, a place for congregational prayers and a center for religious education, is sorely missed by the people of Wabloi Adat Village. Every Friday, they have to walk three kilometers to the next village to perform Friday prayers. Due to limited facilities and teachers, children’s religious education is also only obtained from formal schools, there is no diniyah school or Al-Qur’an learning center there.

The Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.

“This village has never heard the call to prayer, there is no place of worship. We lack knowledge, our children only get religious knowledge from school,” said Ibrahim, a traditional leader of Wabloi Adat Village.

The people of Wabloi Adat Village really hope for the existence of a mosque. However, until now their dream has not been realized.

The majority of the residents of Wabloi Ada t Village make their living as sago farmers and cassava farmers. With these livelihoods, the residents’ income is relatively middle to low. This is one of the reasons why the construction of a mosque in Wabloi Adat Village has not been realized until now.

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Realizing the importance of mosques for mualaf, such as in the story of mualaf in Kampung Wabloi Adat, Dompet Dhuafa as an Islamic philanthropic institution was moved to make it happen. Dompet Dhuafa itself has launched a mosque waqf program that benefits the da’wah and syiar of Islam. Waqf mosques that have stood firmly include the Al Madinah Mosque in Parung, the Al Majid Mosque in Lampung, the Az Zahra Mosque in Lampung, and the Azzuiva Attaiqi Mosque in Purwokerto.

In an effort to expand the spread of Islam, especially for mualaf, Dompet Dhuafa invites the entire community to support the construction of mosques for converts in various regions, especially in Eastern Indonesia. The mosque waqf program aims to:

  1. Building mosques in areas with significant populations of converts.
  2. Providing Islamic education facilities integrated with mosques.
  3. Empowering the convert community through mosque-based social and economic programs.

This program not only focuses on the physical construction of the mosque, but also on empowering the surrounding community. Thus, the mosque is not only a place of worship, but also a comprehensive community development center.

Dompet Dhuafa invites various parties to contribute to presenting the first mosque for converts in Kampung Wabloi Adat, as part of the implementation of the Prophet’s example of building a mosque as a center of worship, faith development, and community empowerment. The mosque waqf program for converts, as carried out by Dompet Dhuafa, is an important step in supporting the spiritual and social development of the converts community in Indonesia.

Let’s visit to support the hijrah of Kampung Mualaf Wabloi Adat. (Dompet Dhuafa/Wakaf)