The Prayer of Breaking Sunnah Fast, Benefits, and Procedures

The prayer of breaking the sunnah fast that is recited wholeheartedly is a sign that the sunnah fast has been completed. Sunnah fasting is one of the highly recommended practices in Islam. An additional form of worship is performed outside of Ramadan. This review will discuss fasting in the full sunnah, its virtues, and the iftar prayer that can be practised. Let us explore this further!

The definition of Sunnah Fasting

Sunnah fasting is a form of voluntary worship to get closer to Allah SWT. Although not mandatory, sunnah fasting has many virtues and tremendous benefits. Sunnah fasting can be done throughout the year, except on certain days that are forbidden to fast, such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

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Sunnah Fasting Benefits

Sunnah fasting has many benefits listed in the theorem of the Quran and hadiths. One of the priorities of sunnah fasting is to obtain a great reward from Allah SWT. The Prophet PBUH said, “Whoever fasts one day in the way of Allah, then Allah will keep his face away from the fire of hell for seventy years.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

In another hadith by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Every deed of the son of Adam will be multiplied. The reward of good deeds is rewarded tenfold to seven hundred times. God said: ‘Except fasting, it is for me, and I will reward it. A man forsakes his lust, food, and drink because of Me.’ The fast is for Me, and I will reward it.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

The above hadith shows that sunnah fasting has tremendous merit on the side of Allah Almighty. By abandoning our worldly desires, such as food and drink, we can gain great blessings and rewards from Him.

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Not only is it the source of the hadith, but the priority of fasting can also be found in the Quran, the letter of Al-Baqarah verse 183, “O you who believe, it is obligatory for you to fast as those before you must fear Allah.”

This verse shows that fasting is an obligation for Muslims to attain holiness. In addition to compulsory fasting in Ramadan, sunnah fasting is also recommended to increase righteousness and get closer to Allah Almighty.

On the other hand, sunnah fasting can also help cleanse the soul and increase piety to Allah Almighty. Regularly sunnah fasting can help us control our passions and train us to be more patient and disciplined. Sunnah fasting also provides an opportunity to get closer to Allah Almighty, strengthen spiritual bonds, and obtain a more blessed life.

Assortment of Sunnah Fasting

1. Fasting Monday and Thursday

This sunnah fast is recommended every week on Mondays and Thursdays. The Holy Prophets said, “I was born on Monday and revealed to me on that day. Therefore, I prefer to expect deeds to be presented to God on Mondays and Thursdays.” (HR. Muslim).

2. Ayyamul Bidh Fasting (Three Specific Days Every Month)

The fasting of the sunnah ayyamul bidh is performed on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every Hijri month. In the hadith explained by the Holy Prophets, “Fasting three days in every month is like fasting all year round.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

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3. The Sunnah of Davidic Fasting (Alternating Fasting)

David’s fast was done alternatingly: fasting one day and breaking fast the next. This fast is based on the words of the Prophet, which reads, “The most beloved fast of Allah is the fast of David; He fasted one day and broke his fast one day.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Syawal fasting

Shawwal fasting is a sunnah performed for six days in the month of Shawwal after celebrating Eid al-Fitr. The Prophet said, “Whoever fasts six days after Eid al-Fitr, he is like fasting for a whole year. (He who does one good is ten such virtues to him.)” (H.R Ibn Majah)

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5. The Fast of Arafat

The Sunnah fast of Arafat is observed on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, just before the feast of Eid al-Adha. The fast of Arafat is one of the most essential practices of the day. The fast Arafat is only held once a year. So, it would be a pity to miss it. The Holy Prophet said, “The fast of the day of Arafat washed away the sins of the past two years and the future.” (HR. Muslim).

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Recitation of the Sunnah Breaking Fast Prayer

After we have experienced sunnah fasting with sincerity and seriousness, it is time to open our fast. Two prayers are for breaking the sunnah fast taught by the Prophet PBUH. The following is the sunnah fasting prayer that we can practice:

Prayers break the Sunnah Fast, Like the Prayer of Open Fasting In General

The first prayer is the iftar prayer we usually recite during Ramadan fasting. This prayer is narrated from Anas bin Malik and Muadz bin Zuhrah (may Allah be pleased with him), which reads, “From Mu’adz bin Zuhrah, that he conveyed, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam; if breaking the fast he recites Allahumma Laka Shumtu, wa ‘Ala Rizqika Afthartu.” (HR Abu Daud No. 2011; Al-Baihaqi in Kitab As Sunan Al-Kubra; at-Thabarani in Shu’abul Iman).

Here is the prayer of opening fast:

  اَللّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّحِمِيْنَ 

 Latin pronunciation: Allahumma lakasumtu wabika Aamantu wa ‘ala Rizqika Afthortu Birohmatika yaa Arhamar Roohimiin.

It means: “O Allah, to You I fast and unto You I believe, and with thy fortune, I break, by thy mercy, O Most Merciful among all loving.”

This supplication reflects our gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings of fasting and the favours that we consume during the breaking of the fast. We hope Allah SWT will accept our fasting and deeds by saying this.

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The following sunnah fast breaking prayer can also be applied

“It was the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he was breaking the fast that he read: “Dzahabazh Zhama-u wab Talatil ‘Uruqu wa Tsabatal Ajru insha Allah.” (HR. Abu Daud, As-Sunan Al-Kubra Lil Baihaqi, Juz 4, p. 239, Al-Hakim in Mustadrak ‘alas Shahihain No 1484)

 ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتْ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ

 Latin pronunciation: Dzahabazh Zhama-u wab Talatil ‘Uruqu wa Tsabatal Ajru insha Allah.

 It means: “Thirst has been quenched, the throat has been wet, may there be a reward appointed, if Allah wills.”

The original scholars of madhhab Syafi’i said we could combine the above two supplications when breaking the sunnah fast. These supplications are equally taught by the Prophet PBUH. Prayers are said before drinking or eating during the breaking of the fast.

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Practice sunnah fasting wholeheartedly

Sunnah fasting has many virtues and benefits for life. Friends, let us take advantage of these sunnah times to worship sincerely and sincerely. May the sunnah fasting that we do be a practice accepted by Allah Almighty and bring good to us. Let us continue to improve the quality of our worship and pray that Allah Almighty will always give guidance and blessings in our lives. 

Hopefully, this review can better understand sunnah fasting, its virtues, and sunnah iftar prayers. Let us increase our worship and observe the sunnah fast, sincerely, and full of love for Allah Almighty. Wallahu a’lam bisshawab.