The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: My Tiredness Becomes Lillah

Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa penugasan Suriname

SURINAME — That afternoon, Monday (18/3/2024), the air was hot for Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador for Suriname, Ustaz Achmad Fauzi. He said that his body felt weak. Even so, Ustaz Achmad Fauzi is still enthusiastic about carrying out the mandate of da’wah in the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah.

It was 5:30 p.m. in Suriname. Before leaving for the location of the study, Ustaz Achmad Fauzi had imagined in his head that the study that day would be relaxed. This was because, based on the preacher’s previous experience, the congregation who came was only a few and looked ‘ndeso-ndeso’.

But it turned out that Ustaz Achmad Fauzi’s guess was wrong. In fact, the evening study was actually attended by many congregants, including those from the elite at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Suriname.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Carrying out Da’wah Tasks in Suriname

‘In an instant, I had to change my prejudices and prepare recitation materials that were up-to-date, varied and not boring,’ he said.

On that Monday afternoon, most of the congregation had heard the Dai Ambassador’s lecture in the past.

The Muslim community in Suriname attended Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador study.

‘Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah’s permission, I find everything easy. Including recitations and lectures in front of a very multidimensional community,’ said Ustaz Achmad Fauzi.

‘I can only surrender to Allah Swt and everything is made easy,’ he continued.

In the afternoon study, Alhamdulillah, the ustaz was able to deliver da’wah with a touch of humour and the congregation welcomed him warmly and friendly.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: First Experience in the Land of the White Elephant

‘To the extent that we all dissolved in selawat together. After the lecture, when I was about to leave, there were congregants who asked me to come back to lecture,’ said the Dai Ambassador for the Suriname assignment.

One of the congregation also expressed his hope that Ustaz Achmad Fauzi would return to the mosque and lecture again.

‘Thank you Ustaz for the lecture and study. I hope the Ustaz can return to lecture again here,’ said a congregation who attended the study that day.

Monday, 18 March 2024
Ustaz Achmad Fauzi, Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador 2024