The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Starting a Da’wah Mission in South Korea

Dai Ambassador Korea Selatan

INCHEON, SOUTH KOREA — On Sunday (10/3/2024), at 07:20 local time, three Dompet Dhuafa Dai Ambassadors arrived safely at Incheon International Airport, South Korea. They are Ustaz Ihya Ulumuddin, Ustaz Ahmad Lukman Fahmi, and Ustaz Hamdan Arif.

The arrival of the three Dompet Dhuafa preachers was warmly welcomed by the Imam of Sirotol Mustaqim Mosque, Ustaz Irfanuddin and the Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Community (KMI) in South Korea, Sutoyo. In addition, the Dai Ambassadors were also welcomed by the Chairman of the Communication Forum of Indonesian Citizen Organisations (FORKOMASI) South Korea along with representatives from the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM).

The arrival of these preachers is not only a representation of Cordofa as their home, but also as ambassadors of Islam who are ready to contribute to the spread of religious teachings in the midst of South Korean society. Each of them will spend time in three different mosques as a place of preaching as well as a spiritual home while in South Korea. The mosques are Al-Anwar Incheon Mosque, Al-Ikhlas Yongin Mosque, and Darussalam Baran Mosque.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: The Warmth of Meeting the Imam of the Oldest Mosque in the Land of the Rising Sun

DKM as the party responsible for the placement location of Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors also participated in welcoming the preachers and ensuring they were comfortable in their respective places. DKM also fully supports the Dai Ambassadors while in South Korea.

Three Dompet Dhuafa 2024 Dai Ambassadors arrived at Incheon International Airport, South Korea on Sunday (10/3/2024).

After the welcoming moment, the three were invited to coordinate the various activities that would be undertaken while in South Korea. Starting from lectures, recitations, to social activities. The preachers also committed to giving their best in order to support the development of Muslims in this country where the majority of the population adheres to Buddhism and Christianity.

The coordination process is the starting point for the preachers in understanding the dynamics of the local community, planning relevant activities, and building close cooperation with various parties. With the presence of the preachers, it is hoped that there will be harmony between religious communities and a better understanding of the teachings of Islam in the midst of diversity.

Read also : The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Encouraging Da’wah to the South American Continent

After a series of coordination, the preachers then separated to go to their respective placement locations. With great enthusiasm and determination, the three Dai Ambassadors are ready to start their da’wah mission with dedication.

Three Dompet Dhuafa 2024 Dai Ambassadors arrived in South Korea on Sunday (10/3/2024).

Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors will carry out da’wah and community development tasks for the next month, especially during Ramadan. Publications and coverage of their activities can be followed through various social media and official Cordofa information channels or the social media of related mosques.

Hopefully the presence of Dompet Dhuafa preachers in South Korea will have a positive impact and valuable contribution to enriching religious life in a country that upholds interfaith harmony.

Sunday, 10 March 2024
Ahmad Lukman Fahmi, Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador